>>2688170 (PB) << NOTABLE
Ron Brown. Sec Commerce.
Set up Clinto Crime family "start a war/Profit" opeartions in Balkans.
Dies in Spoopy plane crash in Croation in early 90s
>>2688170 (PB) << NOTABLE
Ron Brown. Sec Commerce.
Set up Clinto Crime family "start a war/Profit" opeartions in Balkans.
Dies in Spoopy plane crash in Croation in early 90s
The anon you responded to is a schill. Read the bottom post in his link. Screams about labels.
more name fagging from able danger.
Obsessed with sister,
Obsessed with SES
Accuses Sessions or being comped incorrectly and repeatedly
Field wants to run a private intel operation.
Q research is crowd source, public, anonymous and peer to peer.
you here yesterday?
New tactic.
Don't argue with shills.
Some anons like red heads.
Some say they smell strange during congress.
Perfidious shill.
Almost any skill set can be used to maga - we all possess different areas of expertise and experince anon. I'm sure yours are valuable or you would not be here.
You see how what you know applies to a research project here and jump in.
You don't need technolgical expertise.
Often arts, trade, craftss anons supply missing pieces to geek anons and vice versa.
We're looking at very fundamental things.
The interactions of cyclic time with "timeless time" are at realities core.
make @Jack-off-in-his-hat hook this anon back up.
Anon is one of a handful Hollywood anons
first shadowbanned then suspended - no appeal.