Conservatives that will join some local committee to preserve X statue, but won't fight on race and immigration due to dumb ideology, cowardice or because they are taking corporate money, are fools or liars. Who cares if there are statues if all the white people are gone anyway?
If White nationalists tore down a statue of Martin King, would the media call them "protestors"? Would the police stand by and watch?
After everything else jews have done, this is the thing you can't believe is real?
As a means for herding the cattle.
The whole point is to control fringe voters.
That's why there's no happenings, no arrests.
Just hope porn. It keeps you hoping and voting.
Being well fed and entertained is all we need for revolution control.
If people cared about the abuses of justice, the abuse of children, there would've been a revolution years ago.
well, like I said earlier, herding the goyim into voting for authoritarianism.
Would prefer 1964 over 2000 so we can stop the hart-cellar act.
That was more damaging than the federal reserve act imo, but
restoring demographics is probably the only way to fix and restore everything else.
Disgusting shitholers have no place in our society.
This shit is so cringe.
DNA is responsible for your behavior.
You will never be US.
>power of diversity
>all Asian cast
jews in qresearch really need to stop trying to meme.
they're all fucking terrible, forced, and unfunny.
And then you consider how many of them wipe their ass with the hand they hold/grab her with.
Pajeets gonna pajeet.
167 shot, 19 deaths. In August alone.
The blacks have turned a thriving metropolis into a third-world hellscape in just two generations.
Theyโre a cursed people and their presence brings ruin to all those who come in contact with them.
The bad news? America is likely to explode into tribal warfare. Eventually shattering into several new, smaller, ethnically-based nations.
The good news? As America breaks, the very concept of a multi-ethnic democracy will forever die with it.
The black and brown hordes that have overrun our homelands see white police officers as an occupying army, a foreign power.. in THEIR new nation.
This is why they direct their ire at them, why they undermine their authority at every turn.
They very clearly see this as two nations. Ours and theirs. We have to acknowledge this and act accordingly.
*reads to your child in public library
>let me tell you about my 3 daddies and how white people are literally the devil.