Anonymous ID: 2e1740 Aug. 21, 2018, 8:51 a.m. No.2689083   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This would be mainly for Catholicfags, I suppose.

Re: Letter of Holy father Francis to the People of God. Pic related


Read it and note that the elephant in the room - homosexuals in the priesthood and episcopacy,and the attendant lavender mafia they comprise - is never mentioned. Sounds mainly to this anon like more of the same carpet bombing of all sins of all people - the kind of thing that produces more bureaucratic policies and procedures. Yet as a priest recently noted - we already have a policy and it's called the Sixth Commandment.


Today is the Memorial of Saint Pius X, Pope. A ferocious defender of the faith against Modernism.

Sauce for below:


Reverend Roman Manchester from the diocese of Providence, Rhode Island also says Wuerl should be stripped of the red hat:


I recall a story about Pope St. Pius X taking the red hat away from a French bishop — literally. He called the bishop to Rome, and when the bishop genuflected to greet him, Pius said, 'Good morning, bishop,' took the zucchetto off his head, then said, 'Goodbye, Father.' We need Francis to be like Pius.