17 counts decided, 1 remains hung
I'm wondering if the next scene in this movie cannot proceed until this verdict is announced.
Regardless, the next phase seems to be revealing where all his money came from, especially during 2016.
More Winning!
What the fuck.
<<Judge says Awan has been hit with “unfounded allegations.”
Well it ain't going to move itself.
Ex-Dem IT aide Imran Awan avoids jail time after attorneys complain about Trump
In a sentencing memorandum filed this week, Awan’s attorney, Christopher J. Gowen, requested a sentence of time served plus a fine, citing “the costs incurred by Imran throughout this case, the nature of the offense, his substantial cooperation, the positions taken by the United States and the presentence investigator, and the conduct of several government officials, including the President of the United States.”
Trump has referred to Awan multiple times as “the Pakistani mystery man,” and mentioned him during his joint press conference this summer in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Awan was born in Pakistan, but came to the U.S. with his family when he was a teenager.
“Trump is not the only sitting government official who has indulged in false or outrageously speculative and racially-tinged attacks on Imran for political benefit,” Gowen wrote in the court document, taking aim at Republican lawmakers Louie Gohmert of Texas, Steve King of Iowa and Ron DeSantis of Florida.
>remember this was only about bank fraud, nothing else
Yes and No.
Because the prosecutor has clearly said -
>But prosecutors said during July’s plea hearing that they investigated allegations of misconduct by Awan while on the job in Congress and said they "uncovered no evidence" that Awan "violated federal law with respect to the House computer systems."
So unless there is some wiggle room there, and they are going to get him in another jurisdiction for a different crime?
Blame the dead guy
It took her 2 days to come up with this.
So Awan will get a hand slap on bank fraud charges, because they can't allow the server evidence to be presented in court, and won't get fair treatment in a DC court.
Thus, he cooperated and they will use the evidence in a different court (military?) on much worse charges for DWS et al?
Please tell me this is not the end of the Awan story?