RE: Geo-Engineering and lower crop yields +
FarmerAnon again. I'm speaking on behalf of a NON Monsatan farm. My farm does NOT use GMO seed nor have my fields EVER been sprayed with MonSatan products. I am one of the very few whose soils are not contaminated.
I have a feeling that crop insurance programs only provide insurance for MonSatan farms. This is probably worth a dig. (I do not partake in farm insurance scams)
The result is that our farms and soils are becoming contaminated and are no longer able to grow heirloom seed ; seeds that are not genetically altered. NOTHING will grow in a MonSatan field after it has been sprayed. Only GMO seeds which MonSatan also patents will grow. MonSatan then has the farmer by the balls and on-the-hook to forever buy seeds from them.
Additionally, farmers nationwide are not seeing increases in crop production or harvest. Glyphosate DOES NOT kill weeds. Weeds grow back despite what the manufacturer says.
The program has NOT increased production, has NOT reduced weed and is contaminating farmlands for many years to come!