Anonymous ID: a1134d Aug. 21, 2018, 8:41 a.m. No.2689008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9174

RE: Geo-Engineering and lower crop yields +


FarmerAnon again. I'm speaking on behalf of a NON Monsatan farm. My farm does NOT use GMO seed nor have my fields EVER been sprayed with MonSatan products. I am one of the very few whose soils are not contaminated.


I have a feeling that crop insurance programs only provide insurance for MonSatan farms. This is probably worth a dig. (I do not partake in farm insurance scams)


The result is that our farms and soils are becoming contaminated and are no longer able to grow heirloom seed ; seeds that are not genetically altered. NOTHING will grow in a MonSatan field after it has been sprayed. Only GMO seeds which MonSatan also patents will grow. MonSatan then has the farmer by the balls and on-the-hook to forever buy seeds from them.


Additionally, farmers nationwide are not seeing increases in crop production or harvest. Glyphosate DOES NOT kill weeds. Weeds grow back despite what the manufacturer says.


The program has NOT increased production, has NOT reduced weed and is contaminating farmlands for many years to come!

Anonymous ID: a1134d Aug. 21, 2018, 8:44 a.m. No.2689027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9052 >>9057 >>9191 >>9312

>>2688789 (pb)

Re: Hunting of deer populations


Concernfagging? YOU are concerned about your landscaping, the poop WILDLIFE leaves behind, having to avoid animals that have been chased from their natural habitat!




Forest creatures have been around way before your subdivision. Here long before your car and manicured lawn. They have just as much right to the land as you do, if not more.


The point was that using a right to hunt is NOT the argument for the right to bear arms. Our right to bear arms is for our defense, not for handing down lame-ass excuses of 'tradition'' to kill at random when game commissions don't make an accounting of populations prior to setting bag limits for game and YOU have a supermarket down the street.


The result will be a bunch of humans inhabiting the planet without any wildlife at all. Once natural food sources become extinct. There will be no hunting season because the wildlife will be gone!


Take your concernfagging to some idiot that'll buy your lame-ass excuses.




Modern translations of Bible verse are corrupt!

Anonymous ID: a1134d Aug. 21, 2018, 8:54 a.m. No.2689115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9198 >>9522

>>2688877 (pb)

Re: GMO soybeans- Argentina and VACCINES


ABSOLUTELY worth the dig!

These chemicals not only enter the food chain but also enter our digestive systems and alter our DNA!


Has EVERYTHING to do with the skyrocketing autism rates!


The fact you've already connected vaccines that depend on animal byproducts in their manufacture is EXACTLY how these chemicals get in to our bodies and alter our DNA as well!



I look forward to reading moar on your findings!!

Anonymous ID: a1134d Aug. 21, 2018, 8:59 a.m. No.2689163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9186 >>9196 >>9235


PLEASE take your own advise!


If you believe that only you have rights adn other living creatures don't YOU are part of the problem, NOT part of the solution.


How conceited and selfish you are to elevate yourself.

God created ALL creatures! Man is NOT His sole creation.

Narcissism unleashed. < (You)

Anonymous ID: a1134d Aug. 21, 2018, 9:48 a.m. No.2689591   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I agree that this topic is of great importance and should be addressed.


As an owner of nearly 200 acres of crop land and forest, I can tell you from personal experience that here in the mid-west, there are far more predators than any other kinds of wildlife. This fact is also what drives deer and other creatures closer to cities and in to suburbs.


Contrary to what you offered in response, deer actually spread seed. After consuming berries, grasses and weeds, the seeds are spread naturally; fertilizer included! Deer do not kill trees or necessarily eat the fruits and seeds off trees. They consume tips of trees and other woody kinds of plant foods but they only consume seeds and nuts that have already fallen off the trees. They DO NOT kill trees and they do not over consume seedling trees. Deer were here long before man and they lived happily in a sustainable forest indicating that they are part of the the natural cycle of forested areas.


Most seedlings in a forested area will not survive as there is rarely enough sunlight in the forest for them to grow to maturity.


What is happening is that hunted populations of ALL forest animals are decreasing at a rapid rate. Eventually our Fish & Wildlife will declare low populations but only when these populations are near extinction. These species will not be able to re-populate and man will be left to depend on governments to provide contaminated food supplies.


Population counts ARE NOT DONE by Fish & Wildlife PRIOR to setting bag limits before hunting seasons. I understand that they say they do, but I can tell you from experience that they DO NOT.


Many who covet the right to bear arms fail to recognize that the argument of 'tradition' and passing on hunting skills to the next generation will FAIL. Our RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS is guaranteed to us FOR OUR DEFENSE, not for hunting animals. Using tradition as the reason to protect our right will fail after natural popualtions reach extermination levels. Our givernments will then tell us we no longer need our weapons for hunting and we will lose that right to bear arms.