Q research team of anons involves a lot of different kinds of people. Some christian, some are athiest. Black dudes, white dudes, half shark/half alligator men and probably a few asians around here too.
We're very welcoming….as long as you don't mind being called a faggot at every turn. (badge of honor imo…not military grade, but i digress)
Two things concern me regarding shills and last night I stepped into shill paradise AKA youtube and while I was considering the "Masonfag" thread (wherein a number of mason apoligists are trying to 'shit the bed' and sneak in despite the unamerican unconsitutional oath they all swore to Satan at the end of a knifes blade), I came across a youtube channel (not posting a link…you can find it) where a LUCIFER worshipper was claiming to be a Q follower (who oddly enough didn't have very nice things to say about trump, but was 'tolerating' him since he was helping us). The angle being played here was essentially that TRUE luciferians somehow reject the bad guys that Q is currently in the process of destroying.
I've drawn the line here, personally. Luciferians, masons etc, to me, are not our friends. I know too much about these types being an ex occultist (of which I am very much ASHAMED).
His videos included links and commentary to some incredibly evil looking, tranny type, makeup wearing, fang tooth-implant having fucko's. Just bad news all around. What do I think it is? A new shill tactic. They want to come inside, pretend to be friendly, and shit the bed.
(ok ill drop the channel name, even though I hate giving a shill attention…one of the channels is illuminatus pythagoras)