Anonymous ID: 62eb89 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.2689800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9825 >>9966

Q research team of anons involves a lot of different kinds of people. Some christian, some are athiest. Black dudes, white dudes, half shark/half alligator men and probably a few asians around here too.

We're very welcoming….as long as you don't mind being called a faggot at every turn. (badge of honor imo…not military grade, but i digress)


Two things concern me regarding shills and last night I stepped into shill paradise AKA youtube and while I was considering the "Masonfag" thread (wherein a number of mason apoligists are trying to 'shit the bed' and sneak in despite the unamerican unconsitutional oath they all swore to Satan at the end of a knifes blade), I came across a youtube channel (not posting a link…you can find it) where a LUCIFER worshipper was claiming to be a Q follower (who oddly enough didn't have very nice things to say about trump, but was 'tolerating' him since he was helping us). The angle being played here was essentially that TRUE luciferians somehow reject the bad guys that Q is currently in the process of destroying.


I've drawn the line here, personally. Luciferians, masons etc, to me, are not our friends. I know too much about these types being an ex occultist (of which I am very much ASHAMED).



His videos included links and commentary to some incredibly evil looking, tranny type, makeup wearing, fang tooth-implant having fucko's. Just bad news all around. What do I think it is? A new shill tactic. They want to come inside, pretend to be friendly, and shit the bed.



(ok ill drop the channel name, even though I hate giving a shill attention…one of the channels is illuminatus pythagoras)

Anonymous ID: 62eb89 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:15 a.m. No.2689853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0014



Good. It will bring nothing but darkness into your life I can assure you. God is ALL you need, no middle man, no rituals, no religion, no tarot cards etc… You're a smart man.

Anonymous ID: 62eb89 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.2690046   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I can agree to a point. They need to figure it out and LEAVE. You cannot be an active mason and be a "good" guy. Gotta leave the babylonian, lucifer worshipping, Fez hat wearing secret society behind for good.


I never joined or swore any rituals. I was close to and invited by several but never did. Rituals creep me the fuck out and I thank God every day that I never went that far. I was solo, had a big personal library and took correspondence courses. I never swore an oath to anyone. To take that step is a big step and it takes a certain kind of asshole to go into a lddge and let someone point a sword at your heart and threaten you with horrible death.


Those people, have some explaining to do. GTFO of masonry and don't pretend its all innocent and fun and games (not directing this at you specifically)

Anonymous ID: 62eb89 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.2690145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0189



Interesting stuff. The eclipses are fascinating to me. Thank you for the reply and I hope what Im about to say doesn't offend you but…I've read the bible several times, I have numerous translations over here…I might even be turning into a bible collector…I have bible software etc…done a LOT of research into it.


My position is that Revelation (or Revelations…some people get picky over which way you say it) is NOT divenly inspired. It was not written by John the Apostle and it was put into the canon at a later date by an already corrupted church.


I love the bible, in particularly the red text spoken by jesus in Matthew Mark Luke and John. But I cannot, if I am being intellectually honest, say with a straight face, that 100% of what we currently call "The Bible" is correct, or untampered with. That includes parts of the OT. I do NOT believe our God, or Jesus for that matter, condones the murdering of innocent women and children.


The differences in translations are quite shocking. Especially the catholic Dhoey Rheims which is VASTLY different. Gender roles are changed, characters are added in…. Use your God given discernment and realize you worship God, Jesus and not a book.

Anonymous ID: 62eb89 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.2690280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0345



I'll have to check that guy out! haven't heard of him until now (always more to learn)


for the record I wasn't trying to seem like an know it all expert on the bible. Only pointing out that I've made an honest attempt to do my homework on it. Revelations is written in a style completely unlike John the Apostle, and entirely different than the rest of the bible. The things and events it describe reverse and contradict the things Jesus said in the Gospel. It also makes MAGA and this entire movement rather hopeless considering we are all going to go through the hellish events regardless and the whole world gets…well, literally tortured and WRECKED at the hands of Satan and the antichrist.


Read the red text of Matthew Mark Luke and John, and then immediately flip to Revelation/Revelations (depending which book you have) and try to reconcile.


Early church fathers rejected it's inclusion. It's not a new thing to question that particular book.


Even just reading it all by itself, it makes no sense and has no discernable order. I've NEVER met two christians, or two conspiracy theorists who agree on how it lines up with current events.


Also, the rapture is nowhere to be found in the bible. The good news is, we win. God wins. Read the actual gospel, it's a beautiful victory.

Anonymous ID: 62eb89 Aug. 21, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.2690375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0416 >>0437



Ive seen those videos. Definitely creepy- though I can't honestly sit here and tell you those are trumpets described in the bible. Maybe they are??? Have you also considered it's the cabal doing bad things underground?? Could be a lot of things, really. I'm familiar with the angle you've taken though. I've not made up my mind on it.


I'm also not sure about other things you've said regarding the USA being the only safe place. That's an interesting take on it. Godbless the USA though- that's my favorite thing you wrote :)