I suppose you're just the guy to lead us to truth and enlightenment….
ALL hail the Ori
I'll take documented proof and pictures of same for any progress as evidence you wish to present.
Too big to fail
Too big to jail.
Not small shit.
I'll wait.
that means what exactly?
Do you have some special information that informs you of what those 50k sealed indictments say?
They are sealed. do you understand that? it means the writers of the indictment are the only people who know what they say. 50k ham sammiches just got indicted, 50k summons for jury duty just got handed out. you have no clue what those say and cannot in any way speculate that 50k people you want indicted for crimes you and i both know they committed.
Only until those documents are unsealed will anyone know what they say. There is nothing that demands those things to ever be unsealed.
So no, this does not work as 'proof'.
that's what the ori said too sparky. too bad it was their authorian based thruth they were selling. Nothing good ever came to the worshipers of that deal. Worship me or die. Not a truth i'm looking for.
So, unless you can teach me your truth is better than my bible, you're barking up the wrong tree.
cant do it.
my point stands.
thanks for the personal attack.
so much for proof, facts and evidence.
communication terminated.
Look out, this place is fixing to explode.
Hundreds of humans in self destruct mode.
do you?