09/21/2005 12:10 am ET Updated May 25, 2011
The Red Cross Coming Home to Roost: Remember 9/11, Anyone?
By Richard Walden
Americans have a short and forgiving historical memory. Most can remember last year’s Super Bowl champs and World Series winners, but few seem able to remember a $1 billion scandal involving the American Red Cross following 9/11, America’s most disastrous terrorist or military attack on its homeland.
The details are brief. The Red Cross responded to 9/11 by opening a few shelters to which no one came; tried to trace missing persons but were pushed aside when the World Trade Center site was dubbed a crime scene and police and FBI took over identification of missing persons; and, served coffee and donuts to rescue workers at the World Trade Center site only to be accused of charging for them. (It later paid Daniel Bouley, New York’s star chef, to cook for them after the news about charging for coffee was made public.)
The Red Cross’ own 9/11 Liberty Fund indeed shows only $336,000 in US or state government reimbursement for what little it did do as a “first responder,” a designation equal to police, fire and emergency medical service personnel.
Jogging your memory a bit — Red Cross was the flavor of the month following 9/11. Celebrities, corporations and foundations wrote million-dollar checks and performed or sponsored TV and live events ad infinitum; ad campaigns were rewritten as Red Cross appeals; media outlets pushed their name across the airwaves and online. FEMA did not put out a preferred list of agencies helping 9/11 victims, thus precluding groups like Pat Robertson’s Operation Blessing and Rev. Larry Jones’s Feed The Children from infiltrating legitimate lists of agencies as now being done via the White House’s Faith-Based Initiatives Office.
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Red Cross defends handling of Sept. 11 donations
November 6, 2001 Posted: 9:39 PM EST (0239 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) – Charities swung into action after the September 11 terrorist attacks, raising more than $1 billion. But questions are being raised about where and how and how much of that money is being distributed.
Bearing the brunt Tuesday during a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee's oversight panel was outgoing Red Cross President Dr. Bernadine Healy.
The Red Cross has raised more than $564 million for the Liberty Fund, which was set up in response to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
While the agency states on its Web site that it is spending more than any other relief agency responding to the terrorist attacks, it has distributed only $154 million.
Healy was hammered by one New York official for the Red Cross' decision to put aside nearly half of the money raised for future needs that may include terrorist attacks.
"I see the Red Cross, which has raised hundreds of millions of dollars that was intended by the donating public to be used for the victims of September 11 – I see those funds being sequestered into long-term plans for an organization," testified New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer.
RED RED 9/11.
Funds raised vs distributed?
7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.
Those in the know never sleep.
Dec 4 2017 23:01:17 (EST)
Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank.
Future topic.
Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions kb).
Think AIDS.
Future topic.
Were those pallets of cash in Red Cross tubs in that video circling the other day…from 9/11??