Anonymous ID: fab271 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:12 a.m. No.2689821   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: fab271 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.2689956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0066

BREAKING: HUNG? Manafort Jury Struggling to Come to Unanimous Decision on at Least One or More Counts



After three days of deliberations, the jury still had not reached a verdict on Monday evening, marking day 15 of the tax evasion and bank fraud case against Paul Manafort.


The jury reconvened Tuesday morning at 9:30 ET marking day 16 of the trial.


At around 11:30 ET, the jury handed the court a note stating they were struggling to come to a unanimous decision on at least one or more counts.


Via Courthouse News reporter Brandi Buchman:


“Jury has submitted a note, asking “what if we can’t come to consensus on a single count?” They have also asked for a new verdict form. We’re now on a brief recess as attys review the instructions offered by Ellis.”


The note said: The jury submitted a note which said: “Your honor if we cannot come to a consensus for a single count, how should we fill in the verdict form? What does that mean for verdict. And we will need another verdict form.”


Ellis told attorneys – without jurors present – that he can take a partial verdict but following this brief recess, when he asks the jury to come back in, he’s going to read off instructions from a case called U.S. v Sawyer for reference.


Then he’s going to send jurors back to deliberate.

If they can’t come to a unanimous decision on this one count, he’ll ask where they stand on the other counts.


Ellis has given instructions to jurors and asked them to come to a consensus on all counts. If they cannot, after further deliberation, Ellis said they will “cross that bridge” when they come to it.

Anonymous ID: fab271 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.2689984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0079 >>0171 >>0361

DNC LIES: Despite Denials, Feds & FAA Records Show Brazile was in DC on Day of Seth Rich Murder


Donna Brazile, the former head of the Democratic National Committee, spent Monday vehemently denying she was in Washington D.C. on the day Seth Rich was murdered.


But by Monday night her claims were quickly unraveling. True Pundit reported D.C. Metro Police said an Intel drop by Conservative journalist Matt Couch placing Brazile and the D.C. mayor at the hospital after Rich was shot, was indeed accurate.


And on Tuesday, federal law enforcement sources said Brazile’s social media posts from July 10, 2016 — the day Rich was killed — were made from the Beltway, Not Seattle as Brazile has claimed. Brazile claimed Monday that she was on a west coast trip the day Rich was gunned down in the streets of D.C. at 4:19 a.m.


But sources said FAA records show Brazile boarded a Dulles International Airport flight on July 10th some 12 hours after the Rich murder. Brazile flew direct to Seattle (SEA-TAC) from D.C., records also show.


Even one of Brazile’s Tweets shows her geo-location in Arlington, VA on the afternoon of July 10 just prior to the flight.

Anonymous ID: fab271 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.2690038   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'No evidence', but Russian Fancy Bears are doing it again (p.s. here's our new product) - Microsoft


With pre-midterm frenzy heating up, Microsoft said it thwarted a phishing attack by a group “widely associated” with Russia — and despite not providing much hard evidence, used the incident to advertise a new privacy product.


The software giant said it foiled attempts last week by the ‘Fancy Bear’ hacking group, which has been frequently linked in media reports to the Russian government, and its alleged hacking efforts.


The story quickly caught the attention and imagination of the media, despite the fact that Microsoft admitted in its blog post about the hacking, that it has “no evidence” that the domains were used in any successful attacks — and no evidence “to indicate the identity of the ultimate targets.”


Microsoft said the hackers created a number of “spear-phishing” websites which aimed to mimic other web pages that potential victims would be expecting to receive emails from or to visit, including the Senate website and the International Republican Institute.


In a statement largely focusing on Microsoft’s role in “defending democracy” and democratic societies, the company said that its digital crimes unit (DCU) had “acted on a court order to take control of six internet domains” which had been created by “a group known variously as Strontium, Fancy Bear and APT28”.


In language strikingly similar to comments made repeatedly by concerned members of congress, Microsoft said that “foreign entities” were launching cyber attacks to “disrupt elections” and “sow discord” among the American public. “Some governments,” it said, were attempting to “steal and leak information” and “spread disinformation”.


Despite its obvious passion for defending democracy, the software company did not, however, give any update on US government hacking efforts to “sow discord” or “spread disinformation” in other parts of the world where Microsoft operates.


Luckily for Microsoft, the company could also used the very unfortunate hacking incident to advertise its new ‘AccountGuard’ software, which it plans to offer to congressional candidates and campaigns free of charge as part of its ‘Defending Democracy Program’.


Moscow has repeatedly denied claims that it is involved in efforts to disrupt the US congressional midterm elections. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday that the claims made by the US software giant were “groundless”. Peskov said that the Russian government does not know what kind of hackers Microsoft was referring to and that there was “no basis” for the accusations.


RT has reached out to Microsoft for comment.

Anonymous ID: fab271 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.2690084   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK - Amid London Crimewave, Nike Headgear For ‘Fashionable Thugs’ Sells Out (No Joke)


There was a shooting in a London tube station yesterday evening during which three people were wounded. This weekend saw a mass stabbing by 30 youths which left 2 of them ‘disembowelled’. The British capital London is going through such a crime-wave that it has overtaken New York for the very first time in recorded history as to the number of murders (mostly through knife crime).

Anonymous ID: fab271 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.2690126   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cop Suspended for Allegedly Kidnapping and Raping 15yo Girl for Hours, Stalking Her at the Hospital




A police officer has been suspended after allegedly kidnapping a child for being out past curfew, raping her, and then stalking her at the hospital.

Anonymous ID: fab271 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:46 a.m. No.2690154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0243 >>0361 >>0417

Burning Man Turned Into a Police State as Feds Order Cops to Stop and Search Attendees


Burning man attendees face unprecedented police presence on the way to the festival this year as the White House reportedly ordered a massive


NOTE: This has evolved into or possibly always was a pagan/satanic ritual. With a man even dying in the fire last year

Anonymous ID: fab271 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.2690166   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chicago Police superintendent insists ‘everyone has to be accountable’ as city violence continues


Following another bloody weekend in the Windy City, Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson expressed his frustration over “another unacceptable violent weekend,” ABC’s “Good Morning America” reported.


“Everyone has to be accountable,” Johnson said during a news conference Monday at the department’s headquarters. “Myself, the first deputy, the mayor and his staff, our judicial partners and the community, everybody has to be accountable — especially the people that decide to pull these triggers. They don’t get a pass from us. There is no pass from us.”


Authorities said at least 58 people were shot over the weekend and at least six have died from their wounds, according to WBBM-TV. Johnson said the department has increased police presence by 600 officers in neighborhoods with higher crime rates, but that has not been enough to stop the violence.


The department took three persons of interest into custody, according to Johnson, adding that 83 illegal guns were removed from the streets and 29 gun-related arrests were made. Police also shut down a gathering of 68 people that may have involved illegal activities.


Johnson said the shootings are fueled by gang-related conflicts and there must be for tougher punishments from the courts.


“The truth is, and I know you all are tired of hearing me say it, but as long as we fail to create repercussions for carrying and using illegal guns or more importantly, hold repeat violent offenders accountable for their actions,” Johnson said. “We’re simply going to continue to have these discussions on Monday mornings.”


The 59-year-old top cop told reporters that he has lived in Chicago “his entire life” and he has a clear understanding of the tensions between the black community and the police department.


“But the simple fact of it is that the police department can’t do it alone,” Johnson said of the department.


“These individuals that keep pulling these triggers just feel like they can continue to do it because they’re getting away with it,” he continued. “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. We’re not splitting the atom here.”


Johnson said people need to provide information to the police and the judicial system must hold them accountable. He said it’s “ridiculous” and community members are “sick and tired of it and they should be.”


He said it’s obvious that Chicago has “way too many guns.”


Johnson went on to say that people often compare Chicago to New York and Los Angeles when it comes to gun violence, “but the fact of it is they don’t have the illegal gun problem in those cities that we have because we continuously fail to hold people accountable and until we do that we’re going to continue seeing it.”


“These individuals are showing us every day that they’re not afraid to do it, and we have to ask ourselves, ‘Why?’ Why aren’t they afraid?’ The consequences of it just isn’t there in aren’t there in their minds,” he said.

Anonymous ID: fab271 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.2690214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0264



Clapper = firewall #2


Donald Trump: Maybe James Clapper Turned on John Brennan to Keep Security Clearance

Anonymous ID: fab271 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.2690245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0287 >>0361 >>0367

#MeToo Leader Releases Stunning Statement On Alleged Sexual Assault Of Minor, Shifts Blame To Late Boyfriend Anthony Bourdain


If those behind the #MeToo movement had any consistency, they would rip Argento apart for this statement.


On Tuesday, Italian actress ​Asia Argento — a prominent #MeToo leader as the first woman to publicly accuse Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault — broke her silence over the recent report that she paid off an actor hundreds of thousands of dollars when he accused her of sexual assaulting him as a minor.


In a stunning statement, Argento denied the accusation of sexual assault, but confessed to paying off her accuser — which was where her taking ownership of the incident ended.


Argento suggested the accuser, child actor Jimmy Bennett, was lying about the nature of their relationship and was merely seeking money, as she noted his past dealings with his family.


"I am deeply shocked and hurt having read the news that is absolutely false," reads Argento's statement, which was first obtained by journalist Yashar Ali. "I have never had any sexual relationship with Bennett."


She continued, "Bennett – who was undergoing severe economic problems and who had previously undertaken legal actions against his own family requesting millions in damages – unexpectedly made an exorbitant request of money from me. Bennett knew my boyfriend, Anthony Bourdain, was a man of great perceived wealth, and had his own reputation as a beloved public figure to protect."


Argento also said it was actually her then-boyfriend, late television star Bourdain, who told her it was best they keep the matter private and offer Bennett a payoff to evade further harassment.


"Anthony insisted the matter be handled privately and this was also what Bennett wanted," she said, adding, "Anthony personally undertook to help Bennett economically, upon the condition that we would no longer suffer any further intrusions in our life."


"This is, therefore, the umpteenth development of a sequence of events that brings me great sadness and that constitutes a long-standing persecution," added Argento. "I have therefore no other choice but to oppose such false allegations and will assume in the short term all necessary initiatives for my protection before all competent venues."


That would be irony smacking you in the face, right now.


If those behind the #MeToo movement, which Argento helped to create, had any consistency, they would rip her apart for this statement. If Argento weren't one of their own, the movement would have the actress' head for using the alleged victim's past to discredit his claim against her.


This is not to say that Argento is lying, of course, but to point out that the rules of #MeToo, while ostensibly well-intended, can be severely damaging, fostering a culture that vilifies and destroys without evidence. "Believe all victims," they are fond of saying, until they are not.


It's predictable, almost, that the rules of the movement Argento helped to create are now being asked to be ignored in her case. As we've seen time and again, mob movements always eat themselves.

Anonymous ID: fab271 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.2690269   🗄️.is 🔗kun

House GOP’s Midterm Campaign Chief Urges Unlimited College-Grad Immigration


The legislator responsible for keeping the GOP’s House majority in November says companies should be allowed to hire an unlimited number of foreign university-graduates in place of Americans.


Ohio Rep. Steve Stivers, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, told CNBC:


I think we should bring in people in the high-tech fields. I actually also believe that when [foreign students] graduate from one of the [university] schools in my district … we should staple a work visa to their diploma.


The number of foreigners who want to migrate to the United States is far above 100 million. In a 2012 study, Gallup reported the number at 150 million, which is one foreigner for every two Americans.


Stivers and his interviewer, establishment journalist John Harwood, both recognized that Americans’ wages rise whenever a high-productivity economy ensures a shortage of young Americans or immigrants for open jobs. But both Stivers and Harwood also showed they want more foreign workers to lessen the growing pressure on companies to pay higher wages to people outside Washington D.C. or New York:


Stivers: The American people have been so long without a raise, since 2008. It’s probably a long time coming, but it’s on the way, and you can see it already in the labor shortages that are out there.


Harwood: You’re right, we do have a labor shortage. Doesn’t that make it a bad idea to cut legal immigration, which the president and some in the Congress want to do?

Stivers: Well, I don’t want to cut legal immigration.


Stiver’s statement came out shortly before President Donald Trump used a White House awards ceremony to show he wants immigration to be a centerpiece of the 2018 midterm elections:


Blue wave means crime. It means open borders. Not good. We need new laws. We need border laws, we need immigration laws — we need them fast, we’re going to get them. Hopefully the midterms will help toward that end.


Trump’s plan reflects his 2016 success in winning support from a surprise wave of blue-collar voters who recognize they are usually ignored by hostile D.C. elites and investors. Without Trump’s victory, GOP leaders likely would have backed the Democrats’ demands for a huge cheap-labor amnesty.


Since his inauguration, Trump has pushed on many fronts to raise wages by curbing illegal migration and legal immigration. However, many of his efforts — but not all — have been blocked by business-first Republicans and by immigration-first Democrats whose base is urging “Abolish ICE!” in the 2018 campaign.


Trump wants the blue-collar voters to turn out again in the midterms, but Stivers is trying to raise more donations from the GOP’s usual business backers.


As Harwood picked at his salad, Stivers argued that his high-immigration/low wages policy is the same as Trump’s low-immigration/high-wages policy:


Stivers: In fact, I don’t think the president wants to cut legal immigration. He’s suggested replacing the lottery with a merit-based system that would bring us people that we need in the high-tech fields.


Harwood: He wants to cut legal immigration in half.


Stivers: I think we should bring in people in the high-tech fields. I actually also believe that when you graduate from one of the schools in my district — I have Ohio University down in Athens, if you keep going down 33, or if you go 33 West, you’ll bump into the Ohio State University — all these foreign students that come here on a student visa, I think we should staple a work visa to their diploma because we’ve educated them here, and then we force them to go home and compete against us, which is a silly economic policy.


Harwood: So you don’t agree with the president on cutting legal immigration?


Stivers: I believe we should help people, that want to come here that have skills, help us grow our economy. I’m for that.


Stivers’ stated support for the “visa stapling” plan of limitless college-grad immigration, however, is muddied by his support for an pro-American bill immigration pushed by Virginia GOP Rep. Bob Goodlatte which was strongly opposed by business groups, including the U.S. Chamber.


Also, Stivers seems to have recognized the unpopularity of this easy immigration plan. He avoided looking at Hardwood for much of the exchange as he agreed with Hardwood’s indignant opposition to any cuts in legal immigration.