Anonymous ID: 016c27 Aug. 21, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.2690871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0982



Mudd is a Bushfag and was heavily involved in the WMD lies. He apparently spied on Colin Powell's UN speech and made sure tenet knew Powell took out some clown intel. And he totally looks like hes laughing in those frames.




>At two o’clock in the morning, hours before Powell was to give his speech, a call came from the C.I.A. to the operations center of Powell’s hotel suite at the Waldorf-Astoria. Powell had already turned in for the night, and Wilkerson picked up the phone. The message was clear enough: George Tenet, who was staying at another Manhattan hotel, wanted one last look at the text of the speech.


>Tenet, the caller made plain, was worried that Powell’s staff had cut too much about Saddam’s supposed links to terrorists. Wilkerson was annoyed and baffled. Only a few hours before, Phil Mudd, the C.I.A.’s terrorism specialist, had come to the Waldorf, bearing a gift of Italian food. Then Barry Lowenkron, a senior Powell aide, had informed Mudd that they had tightened the terrorism part. Mudd read the section. “Looks fine,” he said, and he left around midnight.


>Now the director of central intelligence was fretting and asking to see the speech in the middle of the night. It should not have been a complete surprise; Tenet served at the pleasure of President George W. Bush, and for days the White House, and Cheney’s staff in particular, had been trying to persuade Powell to link Iraq directly to the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. They had pressed him repeatedly to include a widely discredited Czech intelligence report that Mohamed Atta, the ringleader of the 9/11 al-Qaeda terrorists, had met in Prague with an Iraqi intelligence officer. At the last rehearsal of the speech at C.I.A. headquarters, Powell had thrown out the Prague material as suspect and unverified.


>Lowenkron tracked Mudd down, woke him up, and asked what the hell was going on. Was there a problem? Mudd acknowledged he had reported to Tenet that Powell’s staff had tightened the terrorism section. Now it was clear why the C.I.A. chief was demanding to see the speech in the pre-dawn hours, and it was dispatched to his hotel.

Anonymous ID: 016c27 Aug. 21, 2018, 12:23 p.m. No.2690982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1118 >>1148



Of course he's also an Obamafag. He withdrew his Obama nomination for the top intelligence job at the Department of Homeland Security once he was outed as part of the Clown torture program. Did he have any comments about Gina?


>On Friday, however, the White House and Mudd both issued statements saying that Mudd had decided to withdraw his name from consideration. The announcements were made less than a day after the Associated Press ran a story reporting that Mudd was likely to face questions about his involvement in the CIA's controversial interrogation and detention programs, which have been terminated by Obama



Anonymous ID: 016c27 Aug. 21, 2018, 12:36 p.m. No.2691118   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mudd is totally ok with profiling to find muslim terrorists…by tracking falafel sales


>UPDATE #6: Mudd's "colourful past": wanted to snare "terrorists" by tracking falafel sales in San Francisco:


Mudd’s colorful history included coining the phrase "Pepsi jihad" to describe what he called the growth of extremism among young people on the Internet. He was also accused of advocating programs of ethnic targeting designed to snare Iranian-Americans who might be spies.

Perhaps his most famous project to collect consumer data regarding falafel sales in the San Francisco area, believing that the sales records would somehow lead to Iranian terrorists. FBI criminal investigations division head Michael A. Mason reportedly put a stop to the program, saying it was "ridiculous" to put someone on a terrorist list because of the food they ate. The fact that falafel is not an Iranian dish was likewise not lost on many.

