Blue Waver: Trump is a billionaire that can't relate to the common man.
Anon: Trump used to watch Maury.
Blue Waver: Mueller!
Blue Waver: Trump is a billionaire that can't relate to the common man.
Anon: Trump used to watch Maury.
Blue Waver: Mueller!
>trump tv
Yep - they're the most network quailty without going to network.
Come on, AWWWBuhn, Alabama get yer shit together!
RSBN only one to do the experience part of it not just cold focus on POTUS.
RSBN only one to execute production like 3rd Grade Talent Show.
I do cut them slack because you know everyone screws with their stream.
Perhaps some Q pre/post POTUS on the agenda?
Maybe some good word play with POTUS this evening in Clean Coal Country?
Fresh Q paraphernalia with cool as a cucumber signals back from POTUS?
I do say the potential is there indeed!
Not much anticipation (like some in past) for the rally
Something good/fun planned for us tonight then.