Anonymous ID: 397e35 Aug. 21, 2018, 12:39 p.m. No.2691150   🗄️.is 🔗kun, McCabe Stole Money From Russian For Hillary! Heneghan

Posted by Glenn Canady on August 11, 2018 at 5:41pm

taken from article


Tom believes Rudy Giuliani is trying to blackmail the dirty Mueller to back off Trump or they detonate this new information nuke to blow up Mueller and Hillary over REAL collusion with a Russian and stolen money! The problem with all this is that Rudy is tied up to his neck in treason over the coverup of the 9/11 False Flag by the H.W. Bush Scherff so he can't be trusted either. It's going to get really crazy out there going into the midterms! I don't trust Rudy or anybody else involved in covering up 9/11, they are all as crooked as a barrel of snakes.


following video is a briefing on their intel (Tom and Stew) whats going on behind the scenes with mueller, shocking intel exposed on first video on the page.


article goes on to say …………. curiously

I know some of you believe in QAnon and that's fine if you want to believe in a fairy tale but ask yourself why QAnon never talks about the Rothschilds, the dual Israeli citizens in our government (this used to be against the law until President Johnson allowed it!), 9/11 being an inside job, the Federal Reserve SCAM, the vaccines, the chemtrails, SERCO, Senior Executive Services, the dirty Vatican, The CFR and so much more! I actually heard a QAnon video that said, "It's not that socialism or capitalism is bad!" What a joke. If Qanon were really patriots they would talk about ALL of the truth and not just a tiny tiny sliver of it! If QAnon was REAL they would be getting patriots to take action with citizen grand juries and not just saying "Sit back and enjoy the show!" and "Trust SES Jeff Sessions", "Trust the Plan" and other nonsense. Take action every day patriots by waking up others to ALL the truth, not just the watered down nonsense of Qanon!



*scroll down almost the end there is a video (9min) talking about real cures for cancer with a selection of other videos offered at the end which also report cures for cancer some within weeks

Anonymous ID: 397e35 Aug. 21, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.2691245   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So I'm pulling onto a hwy the other day that I've pulled onto 1000's of times but never, EVER noticed this:


Everywhere I go, things I read & see & hear, there it is: 17