Anonymous ID: b586e9 Aug. 21, 2018, 11:52 a.m. No.2690706   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2690154 (lb)


Many more than one have died over a long stretch of years.


Interdasting that there is a claim that there is orders from the "top".

Both local police & BIA out there not known for the being on the up & up to say the least.

Might be taking advantage of fact that both Harvey & Barlow are no longer around...hard to say from article.


That said, wouldn't be surprised if there was something planned for this year that had a sizeable sacrificial component involved. It's just that kind of vibe.

Anonymous ID: b586e9 Aug. 21, 2018, 11:58 a.m. No.2690741   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good to know, no more soy for me though. Choose to get my protein elsewhere.


No doubt, for families directly in control of food supply though, the Cargills have to be right up there.

Anonymous ID: b586e9 Aug. 21, 2018, 12:46 p.m. No.2691226   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2689591 (pb)

Sorry, just saw your reply. In agreement on the 2A issue. Also not a "hunter", so not defending the culture. I actually like deer and mix in their droppings in my compost. Much better than horse or cow due to the chemicals.


Respect your POV as a landowner, but where i'm at, have the polar opposite observations. Subject i'm passionate about, so talk to many local landowners about it, and they have similar observations. Have spoken with a number of foresters on this as well.

What we're seeing that's most destructive is the ringing of the bark effectively killing the trees (or wounding them so bad they can never recover).


Also, current forest density in U.S. is largely due to our dependence on Canadian lumber. Considering that that is now being discouraged (for good reason), we're gonna have to harvest many more stems domestically to keep up with demand. This is a good thing imo as there are many forests that are badly in need of thinning, not just in CA. That will open up more sunlight for regrowth of new trees.

And I can tell you firsthand that around here, deer will take out a whole field of seedlings out in no time if you even give them one inch of opportunity. The only thing really protecting them are the thorny "invasive species" the gov't wants us all to eradicate by any means necessary.


You've really hit it on the head when IDing the real problem is how gov't agencies (fed & states) are not doing their job. Can't tell you how many frustrating experiences i've had talking with them, so much so that i avoid them unless absolutely necessary. Arrogant, yet ignorant at the same time.

The answers for your neck of the woods are not going to be the same for mine, yet everything's treated with a one policy fits all approach.


Don't want to slide any further, but think we're more in alignment than not. Hopefully, this little discussion will help to turn things around in some small way. When dealing with trees, it's a long enough timeline, but a whole new approach should really be considered sooner than later.