Anonymous ID: 5c7bb2 Aug. 21, 2018, 3:42 p.m. No.2693703   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Loved the "connect the dots" post that Q linked to, was trying to see how other characters came to fit in.


Obama's first civic services were as a community organizer for the Catholic community in Chicago, where he befriended Reverend Jeremiah Wright:


"As a result, over the years, Wright became not only Obama’s pastor,but his mentor. The title of Obama’s recent book, The Audacity of Hope, is based on a sermon by Wright. (It’s worth noting, however,that, while Obama’s book is a cool headed appeal for common ground in an age of political polarization, Wright’s sermon, “The Audacity to Hope,” is a fiery jeremiad about persevering in a world of nuclear arms and racial inequality.) Wright is one of the first people Obama thanked after his Senate victory in 2004, and he recently name- checked Wright in his speech to civil rights leaders in Selma, Alabama."


Jeremiah Wright has had a bit of controversy, and knows quite a few people, and was at Bill Clinton's 1998 Prayer Breakfast, also performed surgery on LBJ. Weird career, not sure if he's a dot to connect but he and Obama seemed to have influenced each other


First Prayer Breakfast was called the President's Breakfast, founded by the creator of the Goodwill thrift stores, was a meeting for businessmen and politicians to eat and be Christian… maybe not Catholic but surely big people went to it because it's still a thing today


Are any of the churches that Obama was once connected to, like Holy Name Cathedral and Wright's Trinity Church of Christ gonna appear in later abuse reports? Obama's Vatican meeting and Catholic roots are described in this article, stop the page loading right when the words appear for a free NY Times piece ;)


Past this though, Obama was anti-Bush in his first failed Senate race, so maybe that's why the Deep State didn't accept him immediately? He ended up being on the Council for Foreign Relations though during his term


this article is JUICY. The CFR seems to be a frickin lounge area for deep state puppets, and some of the shiftier mid-level men. This article gives good reaches for the dots on Brzezinski and Bill Clinton, it seems the Collusion group of people are mentees to the Clintons, where Bill is a loyal CFR member who elected 12 CFR members to his staff. Obama might've gotten his "assignment" there? What makes CFR a great tie for a lot of the larger conspiracy arches is that it got its start from meetings hosted by the Money Trust gang, as in the Robber Barons, Charles Lindbergh, Rockefeller, Morgan, anons here obviously know a lot of this story, but with the founders of these groups we can pinpoint their influence, and who their principles still have influence on. Now read this daym article and let's find a map on CFR members I'm sure someone has made one:

this was written before his position was confirmed

here is the wiki section on Obama for quick skim plebs, doesn't have much though besides a list of other committees he was involved in, the government affairs one seems suspect

The CFR is always on some dirty shit


What I love about the QAnon Community is that I have never been able to see so many conspiracies I knew to be true finally seem to connect on a timeline, we're building a chronological and comprehensive narrative of what history has actually been, we need to nail the 20th and 21st century parts so the Public understands them before we unlock the beginnings of history to them (see Nimrod thread for extra primer on that), and then historical revisionism won't be a cooky theory, but rather a needed quality of assurance check for narratives dropped in by terrible corrupt cabalsmen. Thank you Q for the movie post, I can't wait to read 2 and 3, and thank you for the army of loyal anons fighting the good fight on here even when it's night in my time zone, God bless

Anonymous ID: 5c7bb2 Aug. 21, 2018, 3:53 p.m. No.2693887   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lindbergh, Rockefeller, Morgan, Rothschild -→ Committee on Foreign Relations -→ Clinton, Obama, Bush, Deep State Peeps


What links in between??! These movie posts / explanations are going to be the best material we have along with QMaps to show the public when the Great Awakening hits. We need to link the old to the new or there will be a cut off point for how much of the truth we will be able to push before people either lost interest or go fucking insane not being able to fully comprehend why this goes so far back in history


We have two sides to this conspiracy, the Trafficking Ring for Humans, and the Trafficking Ring for Money, where do these intersect?!

Anonymous ID: 5c7bb2 Aug. 21, 2018, 3:55 p.m. No.2693916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3956



dog just keep researching, you're talking nonsense and we HAVE SOME DOTS TO CONNECT, not just the past like what I'm talking about but we still need to know why that Q400 was able to be piloted by someone with "no flight experience" into a fucking island, let alone the fact that the Babylonians were killing children before your ancestors even became literate, there are huge problems that Q has blessed us with insight on, AND WE NEED TO USE IT. OLD CRUMBS AIN'T STALE

Anonymous ID: 5c7bb2 Aug. 21, 2018, 4 p.m. No.2694025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4056





We are the fucking PEOPLE, and we are divided in that most of us have been brainwashed. The fact that you're here is a HUGE RARITY, barely anyone is this "woke" or really open-minded enough to pass every news article and read enough Q posts to become a part of the movement. When these people DO become prosecuted, it's going to be a very bad situation publicly. Although it is internationally approved, it will be martial law to a degree. Did you see Q's link to the new military court additions? The plan has already been put in motion, it's up to us to make sense of it to people when everyone sees the arrests and becomes confused. THIS IS HUGE, and you already have more information than 98 percent of people, but our dots are still not connected. We need more research and more maps, Q has made these movie posts and linked to that reddit explanation to show us the format, we need to make this community exist in a condensed format for when people are gonna need answers that MSM will NEVER give

Anonymous ID: 5c7bb2 Aug. 21, 2018, 4:04 p.m. No.2694076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4095 >>4103 >>4155


You're a shill, so this is my last response, but dude, if a cabal has existed for thousands of years, it's gonna take more than twelve fucking months to flesh out their entire history. If you're actually a Patriot, quit being a Sunshine Soldier and keep marchin, but for what you probably are, peace out and see ya on the other fucking side

Anonymous ID: 5c7bb2 Aug. 21, 2018, 4:06 p.m. No.2694103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4132







Anonymous ID: 5c7bb2 Aug. 21, 2018, 4:07 p.m. No.2694120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4143



read my further note, zero action is not even a correct statement. As for how long would I keep reading crumbs? Forever, they should be called fruit because Q ALWAYS GOT THE JUICIEST SHIT IN THE JUNGLE FUCK WIT EM OR FUCK OFF

Anonymous ID: 5c7bb2 Aug. 21, 2018, 4:13 p.m. No.2694222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4233 >>4239



He's not indicted he's gonna be the last person interviewed in the investigation, when it's over and declared to be a piece of bullshit, if not a cover for a double dome smash on forementioned cabal