Anonymous ID: 73f73c Aug. 21, 2018, 3:57 p.m. No.2693953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4003 >>4156


Trips confirm. Yeah, art of war and appear weak when you are strong. Normies don't know anything going on behind the scenes. We have our work cut out for us if we are going to heal and unite as a nation or a world, world peace, etc. Too much ignorance, stupidity around, millennials clamoring for socialism and protesting free speech…


Q knows best because they have the bigger picture. I hope Q has a plan to fix stupid, since we have so much stupid to fix. Months ago I was hopeful. The country would be united by 11.11.18. My old cynical self is reasserting itself again, this is going to take decades. The military coup can't come soon enough. If white hats think the people are ever going to be ready to accept they have been wrong about Drumpf and everything else, they have another thing coming. Normies are never going to be ready and are never going to admit that they have been wrong. They must be force-fed the redpills, like sick patients refusing to take the medicine they need or the food their body requires.


If the cures for cancer were released publicly next week along with the evidence for the pedophile and sex trafficking rings the term 'conspiracy theorist' would be destroyed overnight. People would be forced to abandon their apathetic, self-absorbed, dismissive, self-centred current state and would have to have the conversation about the truth of the world they've been living in and some would start listening to us, the outcasts who have been trying to wake them up all along. However, since it seems that the plan is to go all cloak and dagger and drip drip, and sneaking hiding behind the curtains, well, let's do this the decades-long way around method while we who are awake pretend we don't see what we can see and go along with a lot of lies just not to hurt normies' feelings because they are apparently too childish to be told the truth anyway.

Anonymous ID: 73f73c Aug. 21, 2018, 4:13 p.m. No.2694217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4250

Repetition for emphasis


Normies are never going to be ready for the truth and are never going to admit that they have been wrong. They must be force-fed the redpills, like sick patients refusing to take the medicine they need or the food their body requires.


If the cures for cancer were released publicly next week along with the incontrovertible evidence about Planned Parnethood, Hillary's crime with children, Weiner's laptop, and the pedophile and sex trafficking rings around the world, the term 'conspiracy theorist' would be destroyed overnight. People would be forced to abandon their apathetic, self-absorbed, dismissive, self-centred current state and would have to have the conversation about the truth of the world they've been living in and some would start listening to us, the outcasts who have been trying to wake them up all along. However, since it seems that the plan is to go all cloak and dagger and drip drip, and sneaking hiding behind the curtains, well, let's do this the decades-long way around method while we who are awake pretend we don't see what we can see and go along with a lot of lies just not to hurt normies' feelings because they are apparently too childish to be told the truth anyway.

Anonymous ID: 73f73c Aug. 21, 2018, 4:19 p.m. No.2694318   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Meanwhile people have died in false flags, clowns have tried to assassinate POTUS multiple times, people are still dying of cancer, children are still raped, trafficked, and eaten by the evil monsters.