Anonymous ID: 8d5501 Aug. 21, 2018, 4:19 p.m. No.2694314   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep in many places it is illegal to build ANY STRUCTURE. Imagine that. You have 180 acres of beautiful land and you build a little dry cabin with some solar panels on the roof so you can have a dry place to sleep when you are out there hunting or whatever... Prepare to be fined 25k/day until it is torn down. When you tear it down.. OH! NO DEMOLITION PERMIT?! Thats a 10k$ fine. What about the "ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP"??? You will need a licensed engineer and contractor to do that work with supervision of the state... I hope you didn't dig an outhouse on this land... If thats the case, just kill yourself.


Allodial title is MANDATORY for a return to real freedom. Simple as that. Without that we are all simply slaves or indentured servants working for a communist overlord. Wake the fuck up and pay attention. Your great grand parents fucked this all up and now WE have THIS ONE CHANCE to fix it. Many if not most of the problems we deal with daily could be fixed with very simple changes... Gold/silver standard. Allodial title. Nesara-based economic and banking system. Literal interpretation of The Constitution including a return of the FULL 2nd amendment. When I say full, I mean belt fed .50cal mounted to the roll bar on your truck if you have the money... No such thing as concealed carry. What a fucking scam that it. An end to the Broad Interpretation of the Commerce Clause. If you don't know what the fuck that is the WAKE UP again and look into it. Its how the government grew so huge so fast. Did you know nearly the entire government exists under the Commerce Clause? All these branches and all this bloat and all this bullshit 3 letter agencies simply "regulate commerce between states. Did you know that the Department of Edumukation's "All Child Left Behind" program is the regulation of commerce between states? Everything if fake. Sorry for the slide as it was not my intention. This is one of the only places where people are woke enough to even think about this and understand it. Please spread this information. WE can make these changes NOW.