Anonymous ID: 8426ce Aug. 21, 2018, 4:55 p.m. No.2694904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4940

Have you noticed the many 8's in the last couple of days


Manafort found guilty on 8 counts in fraud trial; mistrial declared on others


8.2-magnitude earthquake strikes in South Pacific off Fiji


Cohen pleads guilty to 8 counts, admits violating federal campaign finance laws


Tom Fitton DESTROYS Robert Mueller - Says He Needs to be Called Before Congress for Questioning

Newt Gingrich: Democrats have no idea what demons they are unleashing

Trump blasts Team Mueller as ‘thugs’ out to tip midterms, as feud gets nasty

THE REAL RUSSIA COLLUSION CONSPIRACY! The FBI, DOJ and DNC All Sought Dirt on Trump from Former MI6 Agent Steele While He Was Being Paid By Russians!

McCain illegally fed Classified FBI intelligence to Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to Set Up Trump Tower Meeting; FBI Brass Helped Plot Scheme

8.2-magnitude earthquake strikes in South Pacific off Fiji