Anonymous ID: c90454 Aug. 21, 2018, 5:09 p.m. No.2695124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5188 >>5213 >>5223 >>5378 >>5511 >>5636 >>5723 >>5795

Weighing in on Cohen and Manafort:


  1. There is something about Cohen that isn't right. Why would he ever implicate POTUS when POTUS can commute his sentence? It makes no sense that he would cave in to prosecutors in order to get a reduced sentence when he could simply shut the fuck up, get nailed with the max penalty, then have POTUS spring him from jail in a year or two when everything else is revealed. Nobody would argue that POTUS wasn't justified in springing his friend once all of Mueller's dirt was laid bare.


This is either a stupid, stupid man or someone that has something much more sinister to hide—something that Mueller threatened to charge him with if he didn't implicate POTUS. Knowing that POTUS is a loyal man, he probably decided that POTUS wouldn't hit him that low even if he backstabbed POTUS.


Do I think POTUS might have had him pay off Stormy Daniels? Yes. Do I think it matters? Fuck no. Stormy Daniels was well-compensated for the NDA that she signed, and something tells me this was a hit long in the making. Reading through the evidence over these past 9-10 months, you come across bits and pieces that indicate POTUS has been on the cabal's radar for a long time. In the end, if POTUS messed around with Stormy Daniels, it's something between him and Melania that happened years ago. If it's the infidelity that bothers people, I have two words: Bill Clinton. If it's dishonesty, then it's fake outrage: there hasn't been a completely honest President in my lifetime, and the damage their lies have caused has extended far beyond their bedrooms.


The argument against this mattering is simply this: is POTUS' lie as big as Hillary's & Obama's lies? Benghazi? Cash payments to Iran? Arkancide? Uranium One? Bleachbit? Fast & Furious? Give me a fucking break with this bullshit.


  1. Regarding Manafort, Trump dumped him early on. If there is one failing that POTUS has, it's his unfailing willingness to reciprocate loyalty. He asks for loyalty and gives as much as he receives, and then some. Can anybody honestly say that this is a symptom of anything other than a big heart? What's the alternative? Pay-to-play, like the Clintons?


Fuck this treasonous media. If I might have just one of my many requests granted by Q and POTUS, it would be this: please televise the executions.

Anonymous ID: c90454 Aug. 21, 2018, 5:44 p.m. No.2695659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5678


I haven't seen it. Honestly, I don't know if POTUS did Stormy or not; it doesn't matter to me either way. I'm not saying that it's a great thing if he did—I'm saying that the people that are feigning outrage over this were dead silent when it came to Juanita Broaddrick & co.


I don't believe POTUS is a saint. I don't believe anyone is. I didn't vote for POTUS for that reason–I voted for him because I saw him as a turnaround artist that can deal with facts pragmatically and cut the cancer out of the body. In that capacity, from all the evidence we've been given, he's doing a better job that I ever even imagined possible.


We knew there was corruption, but only a select few knew the extent. This isn't a tumor–the United States is going to need a body transplant as far as our government is concerned.

Anonymous ID: c90454 Aug. 21, 2018, 5:53 p.m. No.2695742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5759 >>5796 >>5801 >>5817


It's all manufactured outrage.


Again, I realize that some people are bothered by the prospect that POTUS cheated on Melania in 2007 or whatever. I'm not one of those. When Bill Clinton was caught in the Oval Office with Lewinsky, I didn't care, either (I was a young & ignorant Liberal). I don't care if an astronaut bounces a check, I don't care if a jet fighter pilot cheated on his tax returns, I don't care if a CEO uses off-color language in private; I only care if they do their job well.


POTUS is doing an amazing job.