Anonymous ID: 19eaf4 Aug. 21, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.2696740   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sword Of Damocles: How the POTUS is Completely Controlled by the WSG

The Millennium Report

June 10, 2016


Is Hillary’s Looming Indictment Hanging Over Her Like The Sword Of Damocles …

… Just As Obama’s Fake Birth Certificate Has Hung Over Him During His Tw0 Terms?

Which begs the question: Exactly WHO is it that has precariously positioned the ‘Sword Of Damocles’ over the head of every U.S. president in recent history?


“This expression alludes to the legend of Damocles, a servile courtier to King Dionysius I of Syracuse. The king, weary of Damocles‘ obsequious flattery, invited him to a banquet and seated him under a sword hung by a single hair, so as to point out to him the precariousness of his position.”[1]


State of the Nation


If the American people are to be liberated from the cabal of ruling elites who secretly control the entire U.S. Federal Government, they MUST answer the preceding question, once and for all. They must also terminate the stranglehold of the NWO ruling cabal and especially their banksters who have misappropriated the U.S. Treasury and stolen America’s wealth.


The covert NWO agenda which dictates so much of what goes on in Washington, D.C. must be exposed for all to see. Each and every co-conspirator working to advance the nefarious agenda toward a totalitarian One World Government must be identified and arrested post haste. They must also be tried and sentenced accordingly for their multi-decade crime spree against the American people and world-at-large. This nation simply cannot tolerate another 4 years of Illuminati-imposed dictatorship. It is now quite urgent that both sides of the American counterfeit coin be found out by the electorate … before it’s too late.

Special Note:

It is critical to understand how the Sword of Damocles has been used to control every U.S. president since John F. Kennedy. Simply put, highly inferior and severely compromised ‘candidates’, who have been selected by the World Shadow Government (WSG) to become president, are groomed from an early age. During their grooming process they are lured into all kinds of compromising situations—many are outright criminal, others are sexually perverse, all reflect profound immorality. In this way the ‘candidate’ carries around a closet full of scandals, crimes and perversions which can then be used to bribe or blackmail them at a later date. These same ‘candidates’ are chosen because they are highly addictive personalities by which they can be completely controlled. Bill Clinton had his sex addiction, George W. Bush had his alcoholism, Obama had his cocaine (spiked cigarettes), and Hillary has her serial lying and “addiction to deception”. Even Donald Trump has his addiction to fame and fortune, which can be easily used to manipulate him were he to ever end up in the Oval Office. However, in each and every case of the elected president, they will always have one major scandal that is widely disseminated throughout the mainstream media. In this way the entire body politic is aware of the crime even though there has never been an official indictment. Obama’s fraudulent birth certificate and Hillary’s personal email and home server are perfect examples of this manipulation dynamic by the WSG. They have worked it like a charm with each successive POTUS as it is virtually infallible.

Anonymous ID: 19eaf4 Aug. 21, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.2696987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7247

True to the makeup of a Manchurian Candidate, Obama didn’t even have a clue that such a sharp blade was being painstakingly pre-positioned over his head throughout his entire political career. Of course, what kind of a political career did he really have?! He was deliberately set up to do absolutely nothing in the Senate that would draw attention to himself. That’s why he had no accomplishment of any merit, except to promote barbaric late-term abortions. This is the kind of character who is quite meticulously chosen and sculpted to reflexively respond to the imminent threat that a Sword Of Damocles poses moment to moment. How easy is it to scare the most fearful guy in the room? A “deer in the headlights” has come to describe many of the photos taken of Obama over the course of the past 7 and 1/2 years.


The Manchurian Candidates Now Running for Office

Now the nation is faced with the prospect of another type of Manchurian Candidate. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have been carefully cultivated over many decades for their current campaign roles. Clinton knows it; Trump may not, which is why he is so convincing and she’s a total fraud.


2016 Presidential Election: The Greatest CON In U.S. Electoral History


The fastidious development of Donald Trump’s character for this political theater most likely took place in a completely different context than the normal CIA laboratory that is utilized to create their typical political Frankensteins. After Obama was so easily found out by a large swath of the U.S. citizenry (which they planned for), the World Shadow Government realized that they had to present characters that came from a completely different mold. The Clinton farce was already well known to everyone just as The Donald was a familiar face on network TV and in high society. In this fashion TPTB could not be accused of force-fitting another CIA-fabricated POTUS like Obama or George W. Bush.


They have had to work triple time to keep the “fake identity” genie in the bottle because of how many obvious holes there are in Obama’s his-story. When one’s personal history is made up of so much fiction, TPTB can use that false narrative to further blackmail their presidential victim. In this way has the Sword Of Damocles functioned as such an effective weapon toward ensuring presidential compliance with their every wish and whim. After all, how many presidents or prime ministers have there ever been who would literally restart the Cold War with Russia … after receiving the now worthless Nobel Peace Prize.



Should either Clinton or Trump become POTUS, the situation in America will assuredly go from extremely bad to even worse. Clinton is as scary as it gets for shamelessly promoting the NWO agenda. Trump doesn’t even know what will be expected of him because they have’t yet given him the marching orders. In this way his genuine but quixotic intentions to “Make America Great Again” are expressed with sincerity and zeal. Had he known that he would be nothing other than another presidential pawn selected to prosecute unlawful wars of aggression around the globe, he would have likely abandoned by now his candidacy in a New York minute.


As for Clinton, she is hardwired since college to carry the NWO torch all the way to the establishment of the planned One World Government. Whether her time is now or never, both she and Bill will always be used to dupe the American people until their vary last breath. Who ever did that better than Slick Willie? (Remember NAFTA, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Waco conflagration and the Yugoslavian War!) Hillary’s a different story who would rule like a cruel queen. Trump would probably morph into a Henry the 8th as he has exhibited multiple tendencies toward extreme and dubious behavior.


In any case, whoever is ultimately selected by the ruling elites to promote their perpetual war economy, they will have the Sword of Damocles hanging right over their head every moment of every day that they occupy the Oval Office and sleep in the White House. That’s the way it’s always been … and the way it will always be in the ever-unfolding New World Order (NWO).

Anonymous ID: 19eaf4 Aug. 21, 2018, 7:43 p.m. No.2697133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7243 >>7294

C.I.A. & Company: The Real Plotters Behind JFK’s Assassination

Posted on November 20, 2015 by State of the Nation


The Cabal and Conspiracy Responsible for the Assassination of John F. Kennedy


Who but the CIA could have positioned 8 snipers nests around Dealey Plaza in Dallas?


he profound grief and disappointment associated with the assassination of John F. Kennedy lingers in the consciousness of virtually every American who was alive on November 22, 1963.


That day will forever be a day of infamy in the minds of every person whose hopes for a better world were exemplified by Jack and Jackie Kennedy’s Camelot. The Baby Boomers and Beatniks among us were especially impacted by the tragic events of that fateful Friday.


When JFK was killed, everyone knew the dream of Camelot died with him. Most everyone sensed that the rest of the decade would not end well as the stage had been set with his bold and brazen assassination. However, no one imagined that his would then be followed by the state-sponsored murders of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy. There was also the directly related assassination of Marilyn Monroe.


John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 by way of a classic, execution-style ritual sacrifice known as the “killing of the King”*. This form of unusually public and gruesome murder of an extremely popular world leader is designed to shock and awe the mass consciousness. And so it did.

(Source: Who killed JFK? And why did they do it?)


As for the extremely brutal and public assassination of JFK, there are explicit reasons why such an execution plan was carried out in broad daylight, and especially during a highly watched presidential tour of Dallas.


“There is a Secret Society ritual that is ‘the killing of the King.’ The national leader of the people is only a figurehead and has no real power. Power lies behind the scenes within dark secrets. Others pull the strings of the politician puppets. If an upstart, politician puppet makes waves or rocks the boat or doesn’t play ball…..that puppet gets eliminated. It is why Caesar was killed. It is why Kennedy was killed. If you disturb the real power structure, you can be targeted for removal. Such ‘assassinations’ demonstrate to the world who has the real power; it is a bloody statement of who is really in charge; and the truth is our secret rulers control from dark shadows. (There is a reason the Ace is higher than the King in a deck of cards. The Ace represents the Secret Societies that truly run the show).”


It’s entirely true that the massive conspiracy to assassinate JFK was unlike any other. The same can be said about the coverup. The tremendous amount of time and energy, personnel and resources put into this extremely well planned and highly coordinated coup d’état can only be explained by the dire threat that JFK represented to the power structure of the world. Truly, in Jack Kennedy the World Shadow Government (WSG) saw the likes of which they had never seen before. Hence, his grisly public execution was carried out to send a message to every other world leader NEVER to leave the reservation, particularly in the manner that JFK chose to.


Not only did John Kennedy leave their reservation, he was intent on burning it down for all to see. In so doing JFK essentially left them with no choice. Of course, he knew full well that he was literally a walking bull’s eye, which is why he even showed up in Dallas on that ominous Friday morning. He was plenty warned by psychics and astrologers, friends and family in advance; nevertheless, he knew that there was no way out. He had already violated — profoundly — too many of the rules of the game, especially as the leader of the greatest superpower of the modern age — The United States of America. 1/2….

Anonymous ID: 19eaf4 Aug. 21, 2018, 7:44 p.m. No.2697140   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The photo montage above well captures the individuals who were directly responsible for the killing of Kennedy … on one level, that is. John F. Kennedy, in his own very unique way, made an enemy of each of those power-players. By virtue of acting according to his conscience Kennedy was destined to turn these men into his arch enemies. That is the way it was meant to be.


Victor Lazlo, the JFK-like character in the movie “Casablanca”, aptly describes the predicament that Jack Kennedy found himself in during the tumultuous early 1960s which led to the inescapable fate that he suffered.


“Each of us has a destiny. For good, or for evil.”


Quite unfortunately for Jack Kennedy, as well as the nation, the highest levels of the U.S. Government were populated with many more who were inclined toward the latter. These men would not be denied their wars and especially not their war-profiteering. Nor would they be thwarted in their attempt to create a New World Order using the USA as the military arm of a One World Government. The USA: Military Arm Of The New World Order


Given this ‘setting’ it is much easier to understand why the CIA was the primary coordinating agency behind the assassination setup, takedown and coverup. Only they had the power, the black budget, and the worldwide network to implement such a complex execution plan, convoluted post-assassination game plan and complicated coverup. The CIA also had the greatest interest in the success of the coup d’état, functioning as the chief enforcement agency for the entire Military-Industrial Complex as they do. 2/2


The Back Story … … … the REAL Back Story……… to find out go to following link