Anon ID: 488530 Aug. 21, 2018, 7:31 p.m. No.2696974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7116 >>7243 >>7294

Reposted from Nimrod World Order, I think I may be on to something:


'Continuing Nazi Ideology is Relevant'

'Think Subgroup'

'How many world leaders worship Satan'

'More good than bad' 'Activate the beam of light'




I'm 99% percent sure that the occult aspect of Nazi ideology is relevant. Nazi occultism revolved around, Thule, astrology, Atlantism, Hyperborianism, Darwinism.


There is a Satanist group called the Order of Nine Angles. While I have no idea if it is as widespread and powerful as it claims, it fits the bill in many ways. It could be that it is a lesser seeding of a higher but similar ideological framework.


  1. Human Sacrifice.


Explicitly condones human sacrifice. 'mundanes' (lesser humans) as well as cult members are to be sacrificed. Is shunned by other Satanist groups like Temple of Set and Chuch of Satan for this. 'Beserk' Manga references fit their ideology perfectly. They are trying to bring a new Aeon (child of Darkness?) into existence through sinister acts. Once someone becomes a 'Priest', they are marked for sacrifice in a years time (Brand of sacrifice). While they say they do not practice child sacrifice, they also tell you upfront that they are lying about some details. They condone creation of wars to cull mundanes ('feed the eye')


  1. Secrecy and Infiltration.


They are a cell-based group that exist in gangs and 'Drekks' (droogs?). They explicitly say that they have created a labynthine web of symbols and double meaning that only the 'worthy' can figure out. This gnostic type of Satanism reminds me of known Satanist and pedophile Roman Polanski's 'Ninth Gate'. They condone infiltration of powerful organisations and churches (Recent revelations of satanic pedo activity in RC Pennsylvania). They also say that anarchist groups are a good way to spread disorder to break down the system and create Chaos (Antifa?). They say they are in the P3 phase now, having moved on from P2 (P2 lodge?). So less secrecy and more conversions of 'Adepts'.


  1. Nazism


They are explicity Nazi and elitist, though dedicate little time to racial science. They have said that they are wanting to create more non-Aryan branches, though. Possible founder was known to convert to Islam for a period. Movement uses Muslim crescent moon symbol often as code for Baphomet. School shooters almost all white? (Now maybe muslim?). Their sacrificial rituals involve draining blood and making it into bread (same as blood libel). Vampirism mentioned often.


  1. Mothers of Darkness.


They are very keen to emphasise the 'female sinister' associated with mother earth and Baphomet. They criticise so much of the current order as being 'magian' and 'patriarchal'. So much of (((their))) activity has women at the top or uses female imagery or uses women as a shield (Clinton/Abedin/Merkel/Lagarde/Vanderbilt/Jarrett, ISIS, #MeToo),


  1. Diabolical Monism


They are not wedded to any one tradition, and are essentially satanic monists or pantheists. They draw from Alchemy and Astrology primarily, but have many other inputs. They think themselves as people who can enter the 'Abyss' of death and become an acausal being (god/demon/Aeon) through mastery of knowledge and 'sinister' acts. Therefore the adoption of Aztec symbology like we see in Vanderbilts necklace and MS13 would only be natural. Aztecs were the most prolific human sacrificers. Their 'seven-fold path' and 'wyrd tree' comes from the sephirot of Jewish Kabbala, which comes from Hermes Trismegistus (Greek/Egyptian). The 'Nine Angles' are the angles the planets make to earth (astrology). Interestingly, in Tolkien's work, the 'seven' and 'Nine' are the 'corrupt' rings given to dwarfs (clearly Jews) and Numenoreans (clearly Atlantean/Hyperborean) men by the deceiver Sauron, the Lord of the Rings (Cronos, Saturn, Moloch etc). The 'three' rings are the only uncorrupted rings (clearly Trinity/Christianity). Methinks Tolkien knew some shit.


As a side note they are from England originally, or so they say, and also formed in the early seventies (same year Clinton visited the Voodoo shaman).