Yanukovych ->
Manafort ->
Podesta/Kauders ->
Manafort ->
Cohen ->
Gen. Flynn/Cohen. The framejob.
Yanukovych ->
Manafort ->
Podesta/Kauders ->
Manafort ->
Cohen ->
Gen. Flynn/Cohen. The framejob.
Typo. Should be Gen Flynn/Trump.
European Centre for Modern Ukraine is who Manafort and Kauders both lobbied for.
They used Cohen as middleman to Flynn to frame before the election.
Then they tried again w Poreshenko payment to Cohen, but Trump sniffed it out.
The dig everyone’s missing is how Cohen received numerous payments from Ukraine to frame Trump for taking foreign bribes.
Its the one thing lost in all of this. It’s what ties Cohen to Podesta Group and Andrew Kauders.
The Stormy payment was what they planned to use to show Cohen funded it w donations from Russia friendly Ukranians.
If the below is true why wasnt Cohen charged with failing to register as a foreign agent? Is it because the person he was working with is about to be?
Now isnt this interesting:
“Attorney Michael Cohen was secretly paid at least $400,000 by Ukrainians to set up talks between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko last June, the BBC reported Wednesday.
Soon after that meeting, Ukraine's anti-corruption agency halted a probe of Paul Manafort”
Halted the probe of Paul Manafort after payment to Cohen??
If I didnt know any better, Id say Cohen was working hard to make Trump look guilty of collusion with pro-Russia Ukranians.
All digs re: to Cohen should focus on this. Im convinced he was working w them.