Anonymous ID: 3636df Aug. 21, 2018, 10:05 p.m. No.2698624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8651 >>8658

>>2694416 (pb)


How the did this make the bread?? You just exposed yourself shill.


“They want you divided” -Q


Muslim brotherhood, ISIS, Alqaeda and gnostic sabbatean infiltrators are for sure controlled oppostion and a PROBLEM for all. You want to talk about a policitcal movement? What about Zionism and the Sabbatean Frankists? I know Jews who are not down with that and I know Muslims who are not down with the sects mentioned above. I know Christians who are not down with the Catholic idolatry and the charismatic movement within Christianity. Do we bash all the Christians as nutso when southern baptists get the “holy ghost” in em?


Going at an entire group/race/religion like you did is a tactic of division. This is Good people Vs Evil People (Good vs Evil). You sound like a zionist shill.


This movement is about something that every decent, moral, dignified human being can get behind. Not pushing an agenda to hate an entire group of people, unless those people are illuminati/luciferian/satanist/black magic practitioners.


Take your weak division tactics and GTFO clown