Anonymous ID: b73057 Aug. 21, 2018, 9:18 p.m. No.2698169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8558


>I don't want to see these politicians arrested. I want to see them being shot by a firing squad.

me to. sign me up for the squad

Anonymous ID: b73057 Aug. 21, 2018, 9:41 p.m. No.2698390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8412 >>8422 >>8432


>concern-fagging is literally the most useless shit you could possibly do.

You're a legitimate fucking moron do you realize that?


No one would be here if they weren't fucking concerned with the state of affairs in this massively corrupt nation.

Anonymous ID: b73057 Aug. 21, 2018, 9:53 p.m. No.2698499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8545 >>8547 >>8548 >>8550 >>8596






fucking morons and the point clearly went straight over your fucking heads. your entire idiom is ass fucking backwards. today was a massive fucking blow to the morale of this entire fucking movement and the left is getting emboldened by todays happenings. Q is quiet as a church mouse. Trumps performance at the the rally was less than stellar.


I've been over this 20 fucking times in the last 5 fuckin threads.


I have been on these fucking chans longer than 95% of you fucking newfaggots. I have been following Q since day 1 CBTS. I was running my OWN fucking ops since 2016. Gamergate. Operation payback before that. Chanology before that.


You little fucking queers. Fuck your gay little fucking hugbox.


Give us some appetizers before the "glazed turkey" is finished Q. We are starving right now


All you queers who use the fucking term "conernfag" are going to be the concernfags if Trump, Q & co don't pull through and the heavy lifting is left up to we the people.


Fucking internet tough guys. Some of us have been legitimately threatened and stalked just for the information we spread and investigate. You little twats sit around here and act all high and mighty like you fucking know everything. You don't know shit.


Go out and organize some real life movements. Get out in the fucking streets and organize. Do something besides looking for connections and calling people conernfags and jerking eachother off.


The operations I've participated in have done far more for the cause than most of you faggots ever have. Pics fucking related.


I'll be going now. For the record, all you faggots using the term "concernfag" are pathetic little dweeb bitches that wouldn't know what the fuck to do if civil war came knocking at your front door. You're pathetic.

Anonymous ID: b73057 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:11 p.m. No.2698669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8677 >>8700 >>8703


holy fucking shit.






Protip: If you haven't been on the chans since 2008 you ARE a newfaggot and you ALWAYS will be a newfaggot.


jesus fucking christ what a bunch of "i'm in the cool kids crowd" now want to be cunts you are. and that's not directed to the legit oldfags that i know are here.


anyways - i'm done. yeah, i know infinity didnt exist until 2013 or whatever. but there's also 2ch, and i was there before 4chan getting anime links. but for fucks sake stp pretending you motherfuckers know what chan culture is if you dont.

Anonymous ID: b73057 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:17 p.m. No.2698722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8765


yeah well apparently you never learned how to go do more what look like because you come off like a cunt.


and i've been here for 14 years. i will never be leaving. these chans are part of me. fact.