Anonymous ID: ff71fa Aug. 21, 2018, 10:13 p.m. No.2698682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8702

Patriots, here me through the noise of Brocks shills:

Some of us have been at this for YEARS. I have devoted along many other patriots literally thousands of hours to taking back our country and getting this right. The Swamp - it is deep and embedded everywhere. The war behind the scenes has been of epic proportions. The corrupt establishment has been doing everything in its power to overcome us. Building a RICO case against these forces is no easy task. They literally scrub evidence as it’s uncovered with the benefit of the media and tech titans happily helping them. I know that our fight is the most important fight of our lives. I know this is our only chance at correcting course and taking America back. I also know we are winning. I know the plan may be confusing. Disinfo is real. Disinfo is necessary. You can’t broadcast your moves or at least not without giving the enemy pause that they may just be stepping into a trap. How do you garner the most attention with the media as they are? The mastery over them is truly amazing. If it bleeds it leads right? Well, have you ever felt like it was all just going too well for the bad guys? It just feels like it doesn’t it? The stage has to be set. Timing is everything. I know how brilliant many of you are. We have fought side by side for a very long time. Use logic. Consider the think tanks and resources being used to counter our every move. This requires the most unconventional tactics ever employed in the history of the world. It will all be clear one day. I, for one, will always be proud of what we did. Patriots, this fight is just. We MUST win this fight. TRUST THE PLAN.


Just another anon

Anonymous ID: ff71fa Aug. 21, 2018, 10:18 p.m. No.2698732   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We are a nation of laws. Restoring Law & Order is all that’s required. A clean house is required. The enemy wanted this to move faster so they could just happen to get away with it again. We will not rest until justice is served.