Anonymous ID: 0a2f4e Aug. 21, 2018, 10:42 p.m. No.2698934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9125


Yes, we would.

And God is.

It's only because of God that not only I found My Love, but became the person I was meant to be: the person that My Love deserved; the best me. The best not because of superiority over others in comparison, but because I fit perfectly with her now.

I am forever grateful for that. So much so that I often cry with how happy I've become.

Anonymous ID: 0a2f4e Aug. 21, 2018, 11:22 p.m. No.2699239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9435


Thank you for your kind words, Anon, but if I may make one addendum:


Luck has nothing to do with it. I say this for a few reasons. First and foremost is that God puts the paths before us which means that the intent is there. Fortune is then found by making that journey down that path and learning from it.


Secondly, I do not want to say that we are lucky because I do not want others to believe that finding their Soul Mate, their Other Self, is something that can be left up to the idea of 'chance'. It takes away our agency and responsibility that we have to develop ourselves for ourselves so that we are ready to make the Journey to the Other.


Wise Effort, I suppose you could call it.


It would not have been possible if I had not taken the steps necessary to do so and, even then, it would still have not have been possible if she had not made a journey of self-discovery, self-understanding, and Faith as I had.


Just as one cannot carry a relationship by themselves, starting one responsibly means that both parties need to make the journey together, even when they are physically apart. Their souls will speak to one another, update on progresses and setbacks, give guidance and inspiration; so there will be no fear about being alone.


Anguish, perhaps, at the setbacks. But as we work together, those have proven themselves as unable to stop our Love.


Loving is actually much harder than fighting, I've found. I've spent a life fighting. Fighting is easy because it is easy to deny the Other when one fights. Solitude becomes 'bearable'. Suffering becomes 'medicinal'.


Loving is hard. Loving opens one's self to vulnerability, to hurt. It tests how much we can handle emotionally, physically, and mentally because when we truly Love, we expose ourselves. It is almost like a double-edged sword, Anon:


On the one hand, the happiness feels like the Sun expanding in my chest and my head is to the Moon. On the other hand, when we hurt one another, it feels as if I am dying inside. The suffering is intense as it is infinite; only abated by the support and love of the Other.


To be frank, Anon, when I am suffering over her, not even God can mend me. Only she can. It's spectacular and scary at the same time, but I cannot stop loving her.

Anonymous ID: 0a2f4e Aug. 21, 2018, 11:56 p.m. No.2699487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9501 >>9552


>A love like you've found is great but we need freedom too.. over attachment can be harmful.


Of course. I would not have her attached at the hip and her life is hers to live as she sees fit. I don't wish to control her in the least; just to be with her throughout life.


>Sometimes one of the other doesn't say for fear of hurting the other and can feel smothered and cornered.


If that is the case, then I do hope that she tells me. I will suffer infinitely, but I would not have her suffer just to abate my own suffering. That is not Love. That is control and power expressing itself. So, I do hope that she tells me whenever that is the case. The fear of not knowing each day is far greater than knowing that it was not meant to be for some reason, because each day becomes a wonder of "If not now, then when, if ever?"


And, eventually, as the days pass and we remain separated, the question ceases to become that and becomes "Why does she continue to run while, at the same time, proclaiming her love for me?" and that hurts infinitely more.


I simply cannot continue chasing, Anon. I Love her infinitely and she Loves me, perhaps, but I cannot continue walking a road where Home continues to move further and further back no matter what I do, even if God demands that I do so.

Anonymous ID: 0a2f4e Aug. 22, 2018, 12:06 a.m. No.2699543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9567


>Are you not ready to cast aside all your worldly belongings and follow God?


Already did a long time ago. I spent every penny, lived in the lowest of lows, and did much more to follow God's words and wisdom.


However, this is more than worldly belongings, Anon. This is soul-to-soul. I won't muddy up this board anymore. What happens, happens.


Everyone has a choice to make and none of us can have it all.