Anonymous ID: e8cbc7 Aug. 21, 2018, 11:04 p.m. No.2699092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9142


wow shill, such a lengthy reply to a simple statement. You sound triggered shill. Yes, let's "take it to the streets" because its working out so well for the faggot liberals and it's so much easier to spread information worldwide physically on the street. Try harder. (my lengthy response wins)

Anonymous ID: e8cbc7 Aug. 21, 2018, 11:19 p.m. No.2699220   🗄️.is 🔗kun



  1. Half a million people? Yes half a million people have retarded logic like you and would easily put Q aside and follow a new leader like the sheep we are right? Delusional.


  1. Faggot libs are protesting day and night for President to be removed how successful do you think their plan is going so far with that angle? and mind you this is WITH the backing of deep state and all dirty tactics being used and yet POTUS is able to do more in his first 2 years as POTUS than others have in their entire presidency.


I'll humor your shilliness, do you not see how the left is completely imploding on itself? They are doing the work for us. they have no "plan" to do a better job than trump is, they just complain about each action but offer no alternatives. NEVER INTERRUPT YOUR ENEMY WHILE THEY ARE IN THE PROCESS OF DESTROYING THEMSELVES.


Info like vanderbuilt is material to make people wake the fuck up. we are in an INFORMATION AGE SHILL. Information is weaponized.


Learn memetics and why memes fucking work.


Ok thats enough humoring your dumb ass. Hope you learned a thing or two. You'll probably find some faggot way to complain about that too. waiting.