I'm not a law fag, so hoping one will chime in.
I'm very confused by the Cause and Effect Q post, why these things were strung together. The Executive Order declares a national emergency as per IEEPA allowing sanctions of foreign entities - which are named in the order. I’m not sure why these specific entities were singled out; i.e., stealing kidneys is bad, but there are worse actors murdering for organs in India. Also, this EO affects no US civilians or companies.
The amendment to Sec. 12. of the UMJC deals with civilians attached to military actions in the theater of war- not to civilians in the US. The US Constitution is very clear on the rights of citizens with regard to habeus corpus, and trial of US citizens with a jury of peers, etc. The only time Courts Martial and/or application of UMJC to civilians would be if martial law were enacted and courts were suspended.
Only congress can enact martial law, except in very limited circumstances. So, what if anything does this have to do with US civilians, even those who are involved in human rights violations (trafficking) or corruption? The US courts remain functioning.