Anonymous ID: a5e375 Aug. 22, 2018, 4:42 a.m. No.2700472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0482 >>0487 >>0491

Very sad day in the country….and it looks like I might have to use 'many words' to vent.


We have a double-standard when it comes to enforcement of the law (meaning the institutions we're supposed to trust are hollow an meaningless).


Now another innocent, hard working, citizen killed (and most likely sexually abused beforehand), but my liberal 'associates' are gleeful because bad, bad Manafort was found guilty. Muh immigration…..her name is Molly!


It makes me sick. This 'associate' is so brainwashed and blinded with political bias, rather than conceding we should have equal treatment and enforcement of the law (i.e. the countless publicly known, and admitted, felonies Hillary committed but was not charged with), his retort about Manafort (and my criticism the charges have nothing to do with Mueller's mandate to investigate muh collusion with the Russians), was:


"So if Mueller, in the course of his investigation, discovers criminal wrongdoing, he's supposed to ignore and not bring charges?"


As to General Flynn: "He admitted he lied."


When asked who reported he lied, he's clueless. When I point out the fbi had publicly exonerated Flynn the day before muh Strozyk's 'interview' he's clueless about the circumstances. That McCabe was Strozyk's boss (both fired)…crickets. That McCabe accepted $750,000-1.3 million from Macullife (sic?), for his wife's campaign…crickets. That McCabe was in charge of investigating Hillary's email scandal at the same time…crickets. That Macullife is a Clintonite…crickets. That Macullife exempted 60,000 felons prior to the Presidential election (so they could vote, in violation of our laws)…crickets. That fbi guidelines prohibit openly campaigning like McCabe did….crickets. That Comey leaked classified info to his buddy with the intent to start muh investigation…crickets. That the DNC/Hillary campaign paid for the opposition research later compiled into the peepee dossier…crickets (but muh Trump Tower meeting). That said dossier was later used to lie to FISC, to spy on a Presidential campaign…crickets. Fusion GPS, Steele, Harper….crickets. That Strozyk texted he would prevent Trump from taking office, that his voters smelled….crickets. No political bias here.


"Muh, muh, muh Helsinki!"


These people are fucking insane. They would prefer to see the country fail than this administration succeed in improving the mess they made…bill fucking maher anyone. But hey, bho almost mandated grown men could use little girl bathrooms! That vaginas are now front-holes, you can be non-binary because of gender fluidity, you can run to your safe-space if your feelings are hurt. Aren't we fucking enlightened!


A bad fucking dream? No, it's a fucking nightmare!