-Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, The Clintons flew on Epstein’s Boeing 727 dubbed the “Lolita Express” to his child sexual torture island. Bill listed on the flight log at least 26 times and Hillary at least 6.
-Wall Street financier and registered sex offender has also been a Mossad agent planted mole for Israel, who for years enticed high profile powerbrokers to his Virgin Island Sex Slave mansion and his other estates in Palm Beach, New York City and New Mexico, specifically to catch on hidden camera fellow pedophiles in action, so that they and their careers could easily be blackmailed, manipulated and controlled.
-Weiner’s confiscated laptop containing over 650,00 emails, and dozens of files one labeled “life insurance.” A NY police chief stated the police found one photo depicting Hillary’s twenty year plus employed aide, lesbian lover, suspected Saudi intelligence operative and Weiner’s estranged wife Huma Abedin and Hillary caught in a sexually compromising pose with an underage girl. The New York police turned their findings over to the FBI
-In a related side development, in early February The Globe reported that aware of these “soon to happen” arrests, Hillary Clinton was caught attempting to flee the United States on a flight to Bahrain as the Gulf State nation holds no extradition laws with America. Also seeking leniency, fellow perp Bill Clinton has apparently chosen to sing Weiner’s tune, turning against his wife as well. This dubious pair of serial sex offender politician husbands score miserably low on loyalty and selfishly high on saving their own asses.
-To get an idea how pervasive and sinister these child sex trafficking rings are, the very governmental agency designed to protect children in America - child protective services (CPS) – mandated to operate in every county throughout the nation in charge of overseeing both the child welfare and foster care system, has actually been caught repeatedly funneling children into the demonic sex slave trafficking rings for enormous financial profit no less. It’s a global problem as a child welfare officer in India was just arrested for selling children into a trafficking ring. All 28 children who were sex crime trafficking victims rescued last month in California’s largest trafficking bust in state history were being “cared for” by various county children and family services. In one Arizona study 1 in 8 children in CPS placements are sexually abused. The statistics across the nation are highly disturbing. After Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer heroically exposed countless cases of nationwide CPS kidnapping, drugging and supplying children to trafficking rings for additional revenue of up to $140,000 per child, in 2010 she and her husband were likely murdered for bringing this heinous crime increasingly to public attention.
-8 million children end up missing in the world every year. In the US 800,000 go missing. These numbers are staggering and each year they’re only growing worse. Well organized multibillion dollar crime syndicates operate massive interlocking trafficking rings globally. We can no longer afford to simply deny reality.
-Pizza Gate is real and the fingerprints of the Podestas, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are written all over it.
-Remember the lone gunman who supposedly fired a gun in Comet Ping Pong (Pizza Gate Restaurant)? He turned out to be yet another known actor, and both actor and his father while serving as director of yet another NGO for Haitian children were employed in Haiti just several years earlier, indelibly linked to the Clintons’ pillaging of the poorest Western Hemisphere nation where the infamous crime duo swindled billions from Haitian post-earthquake victims.
-Throw in Laura Silsby, a convicted child kidnapper and would-be trafficker of 33 Haitian kids, who was legally aided and abetted by Hillary as then secretary of state, and the untimely, highly suspicious death of young journalist Monica Petersen investigating it.
***Why hasn't the mainstream news reported the 1,500 arrests made (474 in California alone, in one month) against child sex trafficking rings during President Trump’s very first month in office as opposed to the entire year 2014 under Obama’s watch when only 400 arrests resulted. Why, could they be the same monsters? Sure looks like MSM and the pedophiles are one and the same. Case in point, alleged pedophile John Podesta was hired by Jeff Bezos owner of the Washington Post’s and Amazon as a columnist (2017).
-MSM’s role as the liberal left’s propaganda machine is to constantly lie and create only fake news rather than reveal the honest truth. That’s why Congress and Obama rushed through censorship legislation less than a month prior to the traitor leaving office, handing over bogus authority to their prostitutes Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and MSM to eliminate the only truthful news source left to the people.