Anonymous ID: 59b8cb Aug. 22, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.2702728   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FITTON: Judicial Watch Contacted FBI With Evidence Hillary’s Server Was Hacked – FBI and Peter Strzok COVERED IT UP (VIDEO)


President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton revealed in a weekly update that the watchdog group contacted the FBI in 2016 with information their investigators uncovered that suggest the Russians compromised Hillary Clinton’s private server—THE FBI DID NOTHING ABOUT IT.


Fitton first touched on Congressman Gohmert’s admission during the Peter Strzok hearing that a govt watchdog found that Hillary Clinton’s 30,000 emails were sent to a foreign entity unrelated to Russia–of course Peter Strzok and the FBI did nothing about it and never followed up.


Then Tom Fitton revealed Judicial Watch also uncovered evidence Hillary’s private server was compromised by Russian hackers and when they contacted the FBI, Peter Strzok was the special agent who passed it off to his ‘underlings’–and after Judicial Watch sat down for a four-hour meeting with FBI agents, they never did anything with the evidence given to them.

What exactly is the FBI doing if they aren’t protecting Americans or American interests?


“Judicial Watch went to the FBI in 2016 with information that we’d uncovered that suggested that the Russians had compromised Hillary Clinton’s server… But the FBI never did anything with that information.”


“We went to the FBI, our guy met with them for four hours. The meeting was initially set up through, guess who? Peter Strzok,” Fitton revealed. “Now, Strzok wasn’t at the meeting interestingly even though he set up the meeting–he sent two of his underlings there and they never did anything with that information,” Fitton said.


Tom Fitton also said that they gave the FBI such a huge volume of documents and evidence one week before Comey’s infamous July 2016 press conference where he exonerated Hillary, that there is no way the FBI could have reviewed it all in that time frame.


Of course not…the fix was in and the FBI would never recommend criminal charges for Hillary Clinton–she is a Clinton after all. We have a two-tiered ‘justice’ system in the U.S.