inb4 imitators,
inb4 imitators,
and when they want to do both you get the rumors of erotic asphyxiation (as Robin Williams did, but they were low-key compared to Carradine)
>It is the height of arrogance to assume (โฆ)
<Which is why I say
The point, it misses you.
mate, great collection, but keep some for later, don't blow it all.
(you're trolling a troll, by the way, not original gingerfag)
>IT is the beyond folly to assume that we know who all the deep state actors areโฆ
and yet you continue to assume your assessment of the situation is correct, yet you have no idea how far or deep the war goes
ah there he is, our original gingerfag - brainfarting, even.
There are plenty crumbs linking
ISIS and MS13
here's one example:
Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.)
Q !UW.yye1fxo No.47 ๐
Jan 21 2018 14:06:20 (EST)
Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?
1 of 22.
#Memo shifts narrative.
#Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL.
#Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.
#Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+insurance].
#Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s).
[The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]
Hussein [8]
Install rogue_ops
Leak C-intel/Mil assets
Cut funding to Mil
Command away from generals
Launch 'good guy' takedown (internal remove) - Valerie Jarrett (sniffer)
SAP sell-off
Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency)
Target/weaken conservative base (IRS/MSM)
Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.)
Blind-eye NK [nuke build]
[Clas-1, 2, 3]
Blind-eye Iran [fund and supply]
Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41]
Stage SC [AS [187]]
U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity]
KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) - RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS)
[CLAS 1-99]
HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]
Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov't/MIL
KILL economy [starve/need/enslave]
Open borders
Revise Constitution
Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal)
Install 'on team' SC justiceslegal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187)
Removal of electoral college [pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines]
Limit/remove funding of MIL
Closure of US MIL installations WW [Germany 1st]
Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1-59
Pure EVIL.
Narrative intercept [4am].
Sessions/Nunes Russian OPS.
Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.[POTUS free pass].
Shutdown Primary Reasons.
Weaken military assets.
Inc illegal votes.
Black voters abandoning.
"Keep them starved"
"Keep them blind"
"Keep them stupid"
HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept].
The Great Awakening.
Fight, Fight, Fight.
>Satanists have their own Satanic Pride Flag (see attachment) with colors white, black & red
hmmm nope.
just more obnoxious: slaves who hold leashes of other slaves think they're hot shit
member last week when Trump was an evil dictator because of duh security clearances?
the normie goldfish don't.
won't stop the screaming.
>It was around my sixth birthday, in 1969, when I was taken to an orgy for the first time. It was in a castle. I was part of a SM show, chained with an iron dog collar on a small stage and was forced to eat human feces. After that, they just left me lying there like a broken object. I felt so terribly humiliated. I knew I had to do something to save my soul, otherwise - and I knew this crystal clear at the time - I would have withered and died there on the spot.
>So I forced myself to stand up and watch the bizarre crowd of aristocrats dressed up as curious hippies, staggering to the music and involved in various sexual actions. Everyone was busy taking little pills and ready rolled joints served by sober waiters on silver trays. It was an odd scene and I trembled all over, but I stretched my body like a bow just before an arrow was shot. And I could hear my voice, even if it didn't sound like my own, I could hear my voice yelling at the adults that it was all wrong and that I would betray them all and put them all in prison.
>Grotesque, almost alien music permeated the atmosphere and most adults were too high to take notice of me. Only one man, in a dark business suit, looked at me. He looked scared, looked me in the eyes for a moment and seemed to feel with me. Then he was gone. I never saw him on the pedophile network again, not until many years later on TV. He became a famous Belgian politician.
>Somebody grabbed me without saying a word and took me to the basement. I was sure I was going to die. Instead I was shown the body of a very young corpse. From then on, I kept quiet.
is good for bait posts that gather a lot of useless replies.
it does not filter the other, legit posts of anons who waste a reply on a bait (as long as it does not include filtered+ post #)
>I had replied to a shill, used ID+, and then was not able to see my own posts.
because you REPLIED.
other posts are fine