Anonymous ID: 9aeba8 Aug. 22, 2018, 9 a.m. No.2702075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2095 >>2145 >>2197 >>2200 >>2254




I followed the money and learned how Q Came to Be.

Resources of Mercer + charisma of Trump + experience of ex-Soviets + COIN General


Robert Mercer and Jim Simons applied their computer science towards artificial intelligence research at Renaissance Technologies to construct a hedge fund that earned a 35% return per year. They amassed billions of dollars.


Cambridge Analytica was an offshoot of RT using the same intelligence resources and staffing to mine and social engineer Facebook, basically scraping through people who installed apps and allowed full permissions to mine friends' networks. This would be like their own private FB+NSA in a private entity without government oversight, backed by billions of dollars.


Thanks to Colin Lokey, we can also learn that Daniel Ivandjiiski of Zero Hedge's father is placed all over the world at the same time during the 70's and 80's Cold War activities. One can safely assume the "journalist's" father worked for the Bulgarian Committee for State Security, or Bulgarian KGB. There is former Soviet propaganda talent involved as part of spreading false news for distraction and narcissistic projection. "Blame the other party for what you're guilty of so they don't look at you" and tell people that's what you're revealing at the same time. McChrystal and Flynn both studied the FM 3-24 counter insurgency doctrine while working in Afghanistan.


The news on Cambridge Analytica is basically the same way how Q and Trump rallies are working. Isolate segments and use big data analytics to tell them exactly what they want to hear. The Q research is all taking big data and fine-tooth combing for things. Pictures say a 1000 words, but taken out of context they could say a different 1000 words. That's the talent of the ex-Soviets; sprinkle in lies with facts to gain trust, then proceed to tell more outrageous lies (how this has escalated to believing in cannibalism and satan worship).


ZeroHedge is not the only news site. Breitbart is well known Mercer funded. As I'm sure most other news sites Q quotes some how tie back to Mercer, Simons, or Russia in some chain. It doesn't really matter once you read about Soviet propaganda tactics and see how a lot of "facts" came from those two enough already.


Flynn Jr. has no credentials or career path, so he was groomed to be a counter insurgent agent working against the US democracy. Supposedly Flynn Sr. wants to eliminate radical Islam, but the path Trump is down is disingenuous and breaking up the classical Western Alliances. Flynn Jr. had all the free time to start up Pizza Gate and Clinton Sex Ring on Twitter, where it continues today with Qanon. Their family company Flynn Intel Group was probably sharing intel resources with Mercer's Renaissance Technologies/Cambridge Analytica/Emerdata.


There could be some inaccuracies as piecing the data together is a lot of work as I have a full time job. Mueller is my hero.

Anonymous ID: 9aeba8 Aug. 22, 2018, 9:13 a.m. No.2702170   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sorry don't know. We have the processing power today to simulate building collapses. Has anyone done that? The 300 some PhDs at Renaissance Technologies could use their math knowledge to compute that rather than hoard money with algorithms.

Anonymous ID: 9aeba8 Aug. 22, 2018, 9:26 a.m. No.2702291   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is Americans organizing to have their elected representatives vote VERSUS the billionaires with two or three orders of separation between them and their lobbyists for what suits them.

Anonymous ID: 9aeba8 Aug. 22, 2018, 9:46 a.m. No.2702475   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cross checking facts and spreading truth? Must be shill. This place is for Qoolaid, not reality. Either take spoon fed knowledge or be quiet. Here are 5 titty bots to distract everyone else.

Anonymous ID: 9aeba8 Aug. 22, 2018, 10:18 a.m. No.2702789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2807


Most of the "information authorities" on this board are Russian psyop agents. Encouraging people to not think for themselves or speak up, but "trust the plan."

If you're doing this as an American turn back now.