Fun fact normies: Nicolas Maduro is an ethnic Jew. So was Fidel Castro. So were Mao’s and Stalin’s top advisers and financiers. So were the Bolsheviks. So were the heads of the communist party in Germany. So is Bernie Sanders.
There's only one political movement that could have warned Trump that hiring Cohen would be disastrous.
But he was forced to repeatedly renounce that movement and it's ideas.
Jakiw Pilej was deported. Cristhian Rivera was not.
Great job.
The reason we don’t have a wall and mass deportations is because the republican donors want their cheap labor.
They don’t care about the horrific consequences of immigration, it’s all about greed.
Please send your daughters to our (((college))).
Quite the 24 hours in Weimerica:
Trump speechwriter shitcanned after CNN witchhunt
100 year old statue brought down by commies as cops look on
Another white girl slaughtered by imported nonwhite savage
Richard Preston, defender against flamethrower nog, sentenced to 4 yrs
really can't take all this winning.
Fact: Mollie Tibbetts would be alive right now if she was “racist.”
I know you kikes are loving all of this.
You can't even come up with a decent reply to these obvious injustices because you're too busy sucking your own cock.
Go back to your own shithole, quit turning ours into one.
USMC works for jews who are importing these people and kick out 95 year olds instead.
There is no wall.
We voted for Trump to stop this and it's only accelerating.
How many more Kate Steinles can we take?
Surely at least another 6,000,000.
Trust the plan.
"Don't hate the people trying to destroy everything you love"
Great advice you fucking retarded CUCK.
Ireland's Rose of Tralee competition has just concluded, and the winner is…multicultural propaganda.
Your country (Isreal) already stinks up the entire region.
I literally walked out in the middle of a dinner date when a girl told me she had dated a black guy.
No time for that nonsense.
Left her with the bill, too.
I’m sure she was used to it.
Multiculturalism is an abject failure and it's only a matter of time before the experiment is forcibly ended.
I think even blakpipo realize how they all ruin everything.
South African State-owned bank warns of default due to land grabs. Zimbabwe 2.0 in the making?
The South African Govt has seized its first white-owned farm.
The Mainstream Media downplayed, belittled, and largely ignored the preceding events while smearing anybody who drew attention to this brewing situation.
lol nobody's buying what that plastic piece of shit boomer is peddling.
he can't even close his eyes he's had so much work done.
so fucking fake and phony, if you follow you need your head examined.
All her stupid, naive beliefs are why she’s dead.
She was a young girl that was easily influenced by the education system and media that parrots this message. She should have been taught better by those in her family and community. Let's hope her death serves as a lesson.
White self hatred and anti-white indoctrination literally kills. Enough is enough. Are you willing to see your kids dead so you can maintain a pretense of holding high status beliefs?
Don't hold your breath.