God I get so tired of explaining it. The Satanist Luciferians at the top of the Jewish people make sure the Jews are always there for use. They need to keep Jews isolated and fearful of the host society they have infiltrated. The Jews get brainwashed from youth that they are always the victims of evil host nations and they never did nothing wrong. At the same time they brainwash the Jew into believing they are superior to every other tribe on earth.
So do most normie Jews know what exactly is gong on?
No. But many many do. The ones running the Education of Americans, the Banks of the World, the media in the country, the ones in Politics. Yeah they all know the game. Its one big fucking grift. So religious Jews are not the problem as much as they dont do any fucking thing about the absolute crime that is rampant in the Jewish community. They hear about it. They kind of are proud of it.
The Jews are the number one tool in the toolbox of the NWO. They could not function without a compliant and useful group of people willing to take a couple more shekels so they can help kill steal from and rape their fellow humans.
It gets old talking about it.
Read Henry Makow. He will set you straight.