That whole story died two weeks ago, never to resurface. Case closed. Next!
Karl Rove now talking Trump impeachment on Fox.
If we are truly at "war," is it legal to kill enemy combatants? Can we consider the MSM to be enemy combatants? Asking for a friend in the local militia.
She's already launched her campaign for 2020, and she will win this time.
Wow, Shep Smith is slaughtering Trump right now via Cohen. Illegal campaign contributions, illegal payments to silence women, Trump directly implicated, etc; you get the picture.
I'll see you at the inauguration.
TFYM when you squeeze your anal glands.
Positive. It would shift the narrative.
Uh oh, Shep Smith now reporting that NY state investigators have subpoenaed Cohen in the Trump Foundation probe.
The only names I've seen under indictment have all been tied to Trump. Dems are all walking free and enjoying the show.
Dirt doesn't stick to Dems. It just doesn't.
I'm beginning to think that's what "they" want you to believe, so you won't do anything about it.
Trump doesn't have the DOJ or CIA, either. It's pretty much just him against everybody else.