Anonymous ID: d32136 Aug. 22, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.2704271   🗄️.is 🔗kun


With President Trump now taking full control of his nation’s “cognitive dissonance” affected citizens, this report concludes, he now finds himself in an “impossible to lose” situation against his “Deep State” enemies as it regards the 2018 Midterm Elections—that if Trump’s Republic Party wins, will see his continuing to dismantle the “Deep State”—but if losing, would find him accusing the Democrats of criminally conspiring with Russia to rig it in their favor, and that the majority of the American people have already been predisposed to believe is true—and to which Russia, of course, would contritely admit to promising to never to do it again, and who will give to Trump all of the evidence he needs to prosecute these traitorous Democrats, and in exchange for doing so would receive from Trump the dropping of Russian sanctions—thus spelling the demise of the “Deep State” who, right after the 2016 election, failed to heed the words of Microsoft founder billionaire Bill Gates who warned them all that not only is Trump “very sophisticated”, he could only be compared President John F. Kennedy—who was one of the last US presidents to go to war against “Deep State” by seeking peace with Russia, but in whose catastrohpic failure provided the road map that Trump’s now using to keep himself alive. [Note: It was no coincidence that President Trump became the first US President in history to see the entire files on the President John F. Kennedy assassination, with his keeping the most important of them private only to himself.]