Anonymous ID: 374c88 Aug. 22, 2018, 1:04 p.m. No.2704484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4830




Adding to the Bongino notable a couple of breads ago


If Bongino has learned the comms, his podcast should be a must listen. Bongino is very knowledgeable on the spying scandal. He's deep into it after writing his book. There were some other crumbs besides the "the more you know" drops in episode 785. DB spends most of the beginning of the podcast on background and how George Papadopoulos filed a discovery motion with the court right after Peter Strzok was fired. Then Mueller requested and was granted a protective order restricting use of discovery materials blocking GP from seeing what evidence the special counsel has. Heres some notes with number of mins into the podcast and DB does offer up the possibility of the Mueller White Hat theory:


5:30 Mueller is filing sentencing guidelines this Friday (8/17). GP files motion to look at evidence. Mueller files motion and says we aren't giving the info to GP

6:07 PS was fired last week. how is that related?

6:20 was PS involved in the GP interview or investigation? YEP!

6:38 Did GPs team just find out something about PS? did they also find out that Mifsud was not a russian asset? and was actually a western intelligence asset friendly to the obama team?


Good guy Mueller vs Bad guy Mueller possible scenarios

11:19 Dan sees 1 of 2 scenarios to be fair. highly suspicious of the 2nd one

11:34 1st scenario. Mueller is scared. GP and his attorney are on to something. GP knows hes been framed now. All GP is accused of is lying to the FBI and GP now knows he was setup by the Obama admin. GP team now knows that GP was charged with crime in Oct/Nov 17 to shut GP up. Mifsud was not working with the russians he was working with US intelligence to set up the trump team. Mueller needs to hide evidence of PS involvement in the GP case and that the GP case was a goverment frame job


12:57 2nd scenario. DB finds highly unlikely. RM has uncovered the entire frame up of GP and is actively working to prosecute the scam.

13:33 Mueller good guy vs Mueller bad guy. DB doesnt believe Mueller good guy is the case and spends some time explaining why. No evidence that hes a good guy.

14:10 The good Mueller good guy theory is that hes uncovered the frame job and is using the evidence to go after all of the bad players in the Obama justice department

14:24 if that theory comes to fruition db will happily report it. it will be a good day not a bad day

16:20 begs GP to not take the plea deal without getting the evidence that GP was framed out

17:02 biggest scandal on US history


Listen to this episode if you want the full breakdown on the Spygate scandal and trust the plan.