Anonymous ID: 8748be Aug. 22, 2018, 1:25 p.m. No.2704694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4721


not a kike but I know how Ruskies roll

been watching this same crap on Zero Hedge for years

southfront_org: Kremlin disinfo production unit

Published: 2016 January 20

The work of was featured in @EUvsDisinfo Review No. 10. Southfront doesn't just distribute or redistribute disinfo, it is a production center for Kremlin disinfo. The zashifrovka agenturno-operativnogo meropriyatiya is pretty good with this one, at least as regards the primary domain. Quite professional in a way one would expect from an intelligence officer and/or criminal. Not good enough to completely hide their tracks, but better than what many others do.