Anonymous ID: 683f2a Aug. 22, 2018, 3:14 p.m. No.2705703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5712 >>5720 >>5766 >>5858

Notable events on 8/22/2018:


1: Obamacare still on the books.

2: No wall on southern border.

3: Hillary still free and out walking the streets.

4: Andrew McCabe not indicted.

5: Peter Strzok not indicted.

6: Lisa Page not indicted.

7: John Podesta free and walking the streets.

8: Tony Podesta free to do whatever he wants courtesy of Mueller immunity.

9: Bruce Ohr still employed at the DOJ.

10: Sally Yates not indicted.

11: Loretta Lynch not indicted.

12: Eric Holder not indicted.

13: Barack Obama free to do whatever he wants.

14: Christopher Wray absent.

15: Jeff Sessions absent.

16: John Huber absent.

17: Rod Rosenstein still employed at DOJ and giving speeches.


Some glorious times we live in, my fellow angry anons. Oh and Q, do us all a favor and go choke on a bag of dicks. Your almost year-long shit talking on here has grown old and it amuses me how people on here still larp it up even when NOTHING HAPPENS! Trump and company are the biggest obstructors of justice by refusing to let Hillary and her cabal of Satanic freaks BE BROUGHT TO GITMO TO FACE JUSTICE! It amazes me how some of you idiots here can't see that.