Anonymous ID: bd48c7 Aug. 22, 2018, 3:03 p.m. No.2705630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Concernfag here. Plenty of trust the plan posts regarding Cohen, but still plenty expressing concern. I don't like all of the drama and negative press for POTUS, but apparently it is necessary per the plan.


I have learned to resist posting concerns, and just go with the flow, although I would prefer more of a Dragnet/Joe Friday/just the facts approach.


Anyways, for those concerned about the Cohen situation and his apparent cabal lifer attorney Lanny Davis, think of it this way.


The whole thing is just a "Manafort" with a "General Flynn" con.


In the world of cons and confidence schemes they have names for their different cons. For football fags, it is like Peyton Manning shouting "Omaha" at the line of scrimmage. All of the players on his team know what to do when Manning shouted "Omaha."


A "Manafort" is arresting someone connected to Trump to investigate crimes that might be connected to Trump, but, in fact, the main crimes being investigated are related to the cabal. In Manafort's case it involes Ukraine and money laundering, neither of which were featured in the recent court cases. With Cohen, it remains to be seen, but Q did hint that Cohen has other clients and featured a pic of Cohen with HRC.


A "General Flynn" involves having a member of the team plead guilty to something that is not a crime. As part of the investigation the player can then "tell the Special Counsel all that he knows" as Lanny Davis said that Cohen will do. That is what Gen. Flynn did. By pleading guilty, Gen. Flynn put himself in position to tell everything he knew about the crimes of the Obama Administration that he had learned during his time with Military Intel.


Control your concern. Enjoy the movie. Watch The Sting to get the idea. POTUS is the Robert Redford character looking to avenge the murder of his friend (JFK Jr., 9/11, general takeover of USA). General Flynn is the Paul Newman character, the best in the business, who knows just how to do it. There is concern/suspense, but in the end, the God Guys win. see what I did there?