The lefts argument against the tax bill is that rich corporations would simply horde thier new wealth. So far thats what it looks like is happening.
POTUS understands that 60% of almost an entire generation of Americans have suffered from the recession with no retirement, housees, nest eggs and wages/benefits actually decreased due to the economy stck in an employers market.
Americans today make less than thier parents did for the same work.
If trickle down economics are going to work. Employers/stockholders must commit to repairing the damage of the recession and return wages and benefits to pre-recession levels period.
Why is it that blue collar Americans must always bear the brunt of mistakes made by politicians and CEO’s a decade previous?
And no wall and Immigrants happy to work for 10 dollars an hour simply because they can send it back to wherever they are from and get a 7/1 exchange rate on the dollar. Such as Mexico. Americans dont get to do that.
Build the wall and force corporations to take care of thier employees.
It was once the American way.
Some corporations are little nore than sweat shops or not much better than the Phillipines.
Americans are hurting. Trump is doing his part.
B-b-but muh bottom line.
Fuck it, bring back unions.
Unions are bad. that democrat shit.
Oh if unions are so bad why does LE keep thiers. Sheep loaded up with labels and triggers, confirmation bias. Thats Americans today.
God Bless You POTUS and Team.