Anonymous ID: d11c24 Aug. 22, 2018, 4:01 p.m. No.2706062   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6106 >>6115


Strange stories in these times of almost total lies. Lots of potential evidence the Moon is a created body. Was it turned off?


Does David Icke blame Saturn and a bunch of lizards….yes he does.


Is it weirder than a 6000 year old cult of faggots that drink the blood of kids and peel their skin off while still alive? NO. So I am keeping an open mind.

Anonymous ID: d11c24 Aug. 22, 2018, 4:15 p.m. No.2706192   🗄️.is đź”—kun


You did a good thing alerting the Librarian and a better thing scaring the Jew. He will go home and kvetch to the other Jews and a growing fear will develop. They will begin to understand that they cant bullshit their way out of this problem. And maybe they will take a vacation to Israel and forget to come back.


And he will spend his days watching his grand kids dating Muhammed with an uncut penis.

Anonymous ID: d11c24 Aug. 22, 2018, 4:21 p.m. No.2706254   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6271 >>6290 >>6344 >>6358 >>6379


You fell to a Jew pedophile psyop. They wanted to make the world safe for their kid fucking practices. So one way since they owned all the porn mags and video producers is they put out a change of taste. Make all your women shave their hair so that men get used to seeing shaved pussy. So it wont seem that different when the Jew pushes the videos of fucking 12 year old girls. Baby steps anon. They have to take baby steps.

Anonymous ID: d11c24 Aug. 22, 2018, 4:34 p.m. No.2706346   🗄️.is đź”—kun



The English Masons top secret is they claim Jesus had a twin brother and his twin hopped up on the cross for Jesus and Jesus and Mary Mag got on a boat and went to England and fucked and had a bunch of kids and they became English Royalty. Some shit like that.


They say Jesus learned Gnosis at the Egyptian Mystery Schools. Learned Jew shit from Jews and learned Druid stuff from the Britians.


So all you Masons….you can stop trying to learn now. I told you the secrets.


Oh yeah….your gonna get fucked in the ass. Ass fuckery is a real big deal for the high ranking English Masons. Cant forget that. And it opens your third eye through your brown eye.

Anonymous ID: d11c24 Aug. 22, 2018, 4:47 p.m. No.2706443   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6469 >>6491


You fail to understand the art of slowly turning up the heat. You want a world safe for kid fucking you have to plan plan plan. Baby steps. Make all your porn stars shave….they cant refuse they are taking Jew money.


Want kid fucking less weird you take your large supply of MKultra young women and you take only your hottest ones that are teaching your kids. Mkultra is a great place to put them as teachers. They can do all kinds of your mischief. Well you get the teachers to fuck like 12 year old boys…..the men who hear about this slaugh and say where was that teacher when I was a kid. So slowly the media has lots of news stories about teachers fucking young boys. So much it seems odd. Then the public gets numb to this story. They start not punishing the women teachers as much. The media runs a lot of interviews with hot teachers in jail crying and shit. So the opinion of the audience slowly changes. Why punish these poor women. When that becomes the norm. You use the equality clause. You start refusing to punish the 45 year old fat shop teacher for fucking your 10 year old daughter. Because how can you punish him so bad when we stopped punishing the women?


Jews plan this shit over decades. They have a goal. The goal is no more fear to stick their dicks in your kids whenever they want. How to get there?


Baby steps. The art of mind fuckery. And if your Jews run all the media and run all the schools and control the politicians who pass the laws. Guess what nigga…before to long that Jew can pick your kid up out side your house and fuck its eight year old butt and YOU cant complain.



Anonymous ID: d11c24 Aug. 22, 2018, 4:51 p.m. No.2706478   🗄️.is đź”—kun


She thinks it is over rated and wished Jews would fuck the pussy. It stretches better. But that is hindsight.


If your good at making Alien movies about big headed wobbly retards with glowing hearts…you can do anything you want.

Anonymous ID: d11c24 Aug. 22, 2018, 4:55 p.m. No.2706512   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6548


It is a fact. All you have fallen for a well planned Jewish trick to make you like shaved pussy.


I am not calling you all pedophiles.


But your opinion on shaved pussies has been put in your head by Jews.


Face the facts.

Anonymous ID: d11c24 Aug. 22, 2018, 5:06 p.m. No.2706601   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6610 >>6619


Yeah when they made the contracts they had certain obligations but the Jew could not keep up their end because stealing everything is just too natural. Research Reagan and the FED.


Your going to be shocked. The Jew was presented with a bill. They did not have the funds to cover. The Pentagon took reciept. You dont think all those plane flights last year were Jews and Masons going to jail do you?


You hear about the Russian plane that started dropping gold all over the runway?


Lots of Gold has been moving around the planet. What could Trump offer China to ally with us?


Anyone know how much China hates foreigners historically? And how much they hate foreigners that think they own the Middle Kingdom? Ask the English or ask the Mongols. These people dont forget.

Trump and China made a deal. Both are going to write off all the debt (((they))) claim we owe. China is not rich. All their companies owe Trillions to Jew Banks.


Think it through. The Jew isnt stealing from Ameirca to give our wealth to China free and clear. Oh now the Chinese are not really the owners of the American Wealth….its the Jews.


But who can make China pay up if they refuse? America. Who can make America pay up if we refuse to pay? The Jew would start a war with someone. Probably China.


What happens if both sides say fuck that . The money is just numbers in a computer anyway. Its not real money is not real.


What happens if we say fuck it? Who makes us pay?


See the plan? See the endgame?


We are already debt free. We just havent told you yet.

Anonymous ID: d11c24 Aug. 22, 2018, 5:10 p.m. No.2706633   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6663


Yep look at the shit you have to wade through when all you want to do is rub one out to help you sleep when the wife is tired and grouchy? You have to get past….step dad fucks step daughter. The shit is endless. It is intentional.


And it is Jews. They are panicked. They are caught they are pushing their plans faster and faster but they moved 25years to fast. Trump and Q made them hurry it up.


It is not going to work.