"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully know." - Corinthians 13:4-13
FISA to spy on TRUMP = FISA for NSA to spy on Hillary
Trump secretly recorded = Hillary secretly recorded
Campaign Mgr Manafort = Campaign Mgr Podesta
Manafort Trial = Podesta Trial
Cohen Offices raided = Perkins Coie offices raided
Trump attorney-client privilege waived by court = Hillary attorney-client privilege waived by court
While they are doing all this to Trump and the media, dems, aclu, no one is saying a word in protest. They won't be able to protset when it happens to Hillary but the difference is there has been no dirt found on Trump. They are laying foundation so that NO ONE can object because they already did it all to Trump and found nothing. There will be plenty found at the DNC, Clinton Campagin, Clinton Foundation, DOJ, and FBI.
taken from reddit.
what yall think?