Anonymous ID: 12cc69 Aug. 22, 2018, 5:34 p.m. No.2706821   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. HEMP AND MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION NEAR: H.R.1227 – Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017 – Senate Passes Bipartisan Farm Bill To Legalize Industrial Hemp Production TEXT(s) {6-28-18}


Marijuana is legal in 30 U.S. States. 20 for Medical Purposes and 10 for Recreational use.

There are 40+ cannabis-related bills floating around the House of Representatives, along with countless others in the Senate, by both parties. The U.S. President is onboard!


Gallup Polls put support for recreational legalization at 64 percent among US adults late last year. Medical marijuana legalization is favored even more — polling as high as the 80s.

The President says he is likely to support Congress in ending blanket federal ban on marijuana.

How Congress Is Trying to Make Weed Legal


From decriminalization to opening up the banking industry, both sides of Congress are preparing cannabis bills – but with much different approaches


Over the past decade, marijuana legalization has happened at break-neck speed at the state and local level. And yet, pot-related reforms have moved glacially at the federal level, especially since prohibitionist Jeff Sessions was confirmed as attorney general.


But his staunch opposition and attempt to roll back Obama-era protections for local marijuana businesses has actually attracted new support to a flurry of marijuana related bills that have been picking up support in this Congress.


There are more than 40 cannabis-related bills floating around the House of Representatives alone in this Congress, along with countless others in the Senate. That’s a hard map to navigate, so below is Rolling Stone’s guide to the kinds of marijuana bills that have the most support from Democrats and Republicans alike.


  • Straight Decriminalization:

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer turned heads last month when he endorsed marijuana decriminalization, but he was slow to get to the party. Vermont’s Bernie Sanders was there before him, along with most every Democratic senator floated as a potential 2020 presidential contender, including Sens. Cory Booker (NJ), Kamala Harris (CA) and Kirsten Gillibrand (NY).


Still, the statement from Schumer – who has long vocally opposed recreational marijuana – was witnessed as a dramatic move and is expected to trickle down the ballot to people running for Congress across the nation.


“This is something that is long overdue, and I would hope to see it happen,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer


Medical Cannabis Research Act of 2018, which has support from some of the staunchest conservatives in the Capitol. Like the veterans bill, it simply allows more research to be done.


Hemp For Victory (1942) video:

Anonymous ID: 12cc69 Aug. 22, 2018, 5:41 p.m. No.2706901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6929 >>7225 >>7232



2012 RARE PROOF: MAYANS, SKULL And BONES, FREEMASONS (Illuminati), US GOV’T Linked Together: Ancient/Modern Day Knowledge



This has been verified by the TDP Admin. Which of course is the reason we are giving this video top billing.


This truly is rare proof that our Government knows that 2012 is supposed to be a very important year. This video actually ties in the Mayan Calender and the Secret Societies. We’ve never seen this done before.


The video starts kind of slow, but that is because we need to be brought up to speed on a few issues, we may not be aware of.

Have patience, and you will be amply rewarded with very rare information.


Which is more important, the wine (information), or the bottle (video source/quality) the wine comes in?


video: 2012 rare proof! ( This is the real proof!)( A world warning! ) You must wake up!


This is the proof that 2012 is real! This is the only video on youtube showing you the direct link between the secret societies and the 2012 conspiracy.


This video also shows that before Y2K, and before May 21,2011 prophecy, the Skull & bones already had something planned for 2012.


The Mayan’s had it planned thousands of years before that. So 1976, Y2K, and May 21,2011 were all put out there, to give you that boy cried wolf effect. If you watch all my videos, you’ll understand what’s really going on! We as of people are about to fail an important test.


If you care about your future in the world, you must wake up. All of us need to wake up

Anonymous ID: 12cc69 Aug. 22, 2018, 6:06 p.m. No.2707121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7147

moar from


True religion possibilities-2012 pt.1


True religion possibilities-2012 pt.2


True religion possibilities-2012 pt.3


True religion possibilities-2012 pt.4

Anonymous ID: 12cc69 Aug. 22, 2018, 6:17 p.m. No.2707222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7257

Halliburton Confirms Concentration Camps Already Constructed

On February 17, 2006, in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld spoke of the harm being done to the country’s security, not just by the enemy, but also by what he called “news informers” who needed to be combated in “a contest of wills.”

In 2002 Attorney General John Ashcroft announced his desire to see camps for U.S. citizens deemed to be “enemy combatants.”


These plans are similar in many ways to Hitler and Stalin's plans who all have generally the same financial backers, the owners of our Federal Reserve Bank, or the occult practicing 'New World Order'.


Clearly Presidential Executive Orders primarily from FDR and Bush Jr., which are blatantly treasonous in form, have been laying the groundwork for this Fascist Socialist takeover: Executive Order Treason


Many Traditional Concentration Camp Facilities Clearly Intend To Operate In Similar Fissions To WWII Camps:


See included links to:

International Monetary Fund & Nazi's

Congressman McFadden

Fed Bank Evil Root?

Fed Instability

Bank for International Settlement

Security Exchange Act

Socialist Fascism

US World Dominance Plan

How FDR Made the Depression Worse

Franklin D Roseveldt

Prison Population

U.S. Concentration Camps

Reason U.S. Is Prison Capital