Anonymous ID: 283a5f Aug. 22, 2018, 6:02 p.m. No.2707075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7105 >>7191



Based on what we know as Anons, we know that 45K sealed indictments is 45 times the typical annual amount.


We also know that many of the indictments will be the same people with MANY multiple counts.


However, we know that literally hundreds into the thousands are about to be keelhauled into court either in US or Gitmo locations.


We know they are building plenty of rooms and cells in Gitmo. We know that this will completely flip all US politics on its head for years to come.


We also suspect that the MSM will be routed, gutted and reshaped by the indictments and possibly the FCC as part of the return to justice and honest reporting, both of which have been absent for 30 years since President Reagan.


What we need to assess in our minds is how to truly be resilient in a time of sure chaos. I believe it will be a time that actually removes the US from global and last times biblical considerations possible permanently.


Being an Evangelical Anon, I want all Anons to know that justice will prevail, and God truly does win on a global scale, but that to the end of God's timing, it will be genuinely horrible, and that we may not keep step with the rest of the world as one might expect. The next decade will see all of the guilty exposed, but it may take longer than a reelected POTUS may have in office.


It may have setbacks, but it will complete itself to God's standard, which is pretty darn strict.


But, we all agree that the world is so foul now that everywhere an Anon looks there is injustice, ghastly sin and crime that is so terrible we can hardly view it to discuss it, and a visible lack of punishment and incredible disregard by many of the unwoke to the rule of law.


In fact, the extreme left unwoke prefer NO rule of law. Particularly if they can do what they think is right and look to suffer no consequences.


So it comes down to coping strategies for Anons and future redpilling wokefolk.


We can only do some things, not all things, and part of some things is having concern for Merica and not necessarily anyone outside our borders.


To that end:


Be less concerned about several things, because these issues cannot be solved, maybe never.


  1. The National Debt - 21 Trillion is a grave number, but maybe the return to the gold standard might work? I don't know. I am not a financial whiz.


  1. The dissolving of the EU into a mess - This will happen when they realize they hate each other and resort to nationalism when Germany fails to hold them all together.


  1. The world disregard for things we hold dear to our lives. They never had what we have, and they never lived in a free land. They are all subjects, not true citizens. the EU is a vile construct, and it won't play here. Ever. Let them all go straight to Hell and don't stop them. We cannot help them, and they don't want our help. They only want our money.


I expect the serious booms in September, not October. But even if they are October, the soon booms will never outweigh the later booms.


It will be a wildly bad time, but Patriots in the USA will see a cleansing of our land like never before. And worst case, we Anons are armed with knowledge and a shitload of weapons.


Let's see how it goes! But I expect lightning and thunder in less than 60 days.








With Liberty and Justice for All!