Hey Anne … tits or GTFO.
Dude, slip on out to the nearest Chinese restaurant and ask them if they have any calendars left.
Where is all this ancient history coming from today? What next? Pictures of American kids giving the Sieg Heil salute to the American flag? (Yep, back before Hitler, that's how we used to salute the flag.)
"Demoralized"? Surely you jest. We're re-energized to continue handing you defeats … WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK.
Fark … I think that's MY zone. Was watching the sky last night (between the clouds) and watching erratic movement high up (far enough away that it could be two states over.)
I work PT for the local PD. Should probably turn my radio on, then. I don't have all the really cool channels (no encryption) but something is better than nothing.
What state are you in? (So I'll have a better idea whether to bug out or bug in.)
Shit … wish I'd heard about him before this.