Thank you Baker.
Thank you Baker.
>I am a CIA analyst
>He delivers results.
>“It’s just that simple.”
Absolute TRUTH. And why I trust Trump to draining the swamp.
Q, on the other hand, is all talk with nothing delivered. IOW, bullshit.
How can anyone still think Q is anybody close to Trump?
Would Trump sign off on an operation that persistently disappoints with no results and a useless blue-ball tagline of "trust muh plan" ?
muh glowbull warming … still trying to sell that horse shit.
No wonder the dems are losing.
"Buckle up" is an extremely common expression.
Are we now saying that Q is Nostradamus because he predicted that an extremely common expression will be used by public figures?
Are we that pathetically glued to Q's dick that we think this is some kind of "proof" of Q's secret insider knowledge and magic powers to drain the swamp?
Glowbull Warming is a vehicle for massive wealth redistribution from wealthy countries to third world shit holes.
A marxist scam. Nothing more.
Scare idiots into thinking the world is changing so that they happily allow you to regulate and tax the piss out of them.
Marxism 101.
Hard to argue with the fact that this:
1 - Is badly needed in a world of all-left communications and social media.
2 - Will solve the corruption faster than waiting on the crooks to police themselves (fucking Sessions and Rosencunt).
3 - Would bring freedom and wipe out the marxist cunts in the most efficient manner possible.
Tree of Liberty
>Attorney General Jeff Sessions has decided not to recuse himself from the ongoing criminal investigation of President Donald Trump's long-time personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, according to Bloomberg News.
Like this fucking matters.
Sessions is useless anyway.
>UN/EU would intervene
You gotta be joking, right?
UN/EU would be the first targets of bothsides in an American civil war.
Plus, those fucking fags would shit themselves the second they landed on American soil and were told about our 300 million guns …
Go back to ShariaBlew, you turd-pushing moron.