Anonymous ID: c6819c Aug. 22, 2018, 6:36 p.m. No.2707432   🗄️.is 🔗kun

moslem broadcast chant 'Allahu akbar' repeatedly at Vikings stadium MN…up to 50,000 moslems attending.


When moslems want to thank God they will say hamdulillah or if God's willing inshallah, NOT Allahu Akbar.


But CAIR ( the serial liars, habitual self saboteurs screaming hate crimes and notorious for playing the victims ) calls for more security due to 'increased hostility' against Islam".


Time to label CAIR as TERRORISTS and DEPORT THEM! Period. Same with the Moslem Brotherhood. Enough of this BS.


CAIR founded by members of Hamas, was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a plot to fund the terrorist group. And CAIR itself was designated a terrorist organization by the Muslim Gulf state United Arab Emirates, along with groups such as ISIS and al-qaida.


Current scene @usbankstadium in #Minnesota where 50,000 Muslims are gathering to celebrate #EidAlAdha at the stadium.

People can be seen in this video holding signs that say “Love thy neighbor” as “Allahu Akbar” is broadcasted on the loudspeaker repetitively in the background.


When moslems want to thank God they will say hamdulillah or if God's willing inshallah, NOT Allahu Akbar.