Anonymous ID: d8fd6f Aug. 22, 2018, 5:16 p.m. No.2706677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6686 >>6752



Lanny Davis: Michael Cohen Never Went To Prague As Steele Dossier Claims


Michael Cohen’s lawyer dropped a bombshell on Wednesday, saying that Cohen has not been to Prague

The Steele dossier alleges that Cohen traveled to Prague during the campaign to collude with Russians

But Cohen lawyer Lanny Davis says that the dossier allegations are “false”


Lanny Davis, the Clinton-connected attorney for Michael Cohen, said Wednesday that the former Trump lawyer had never been to Prague, as the infamous Steele dossier alleges.


“Thirteen references to Mr. Cohen are false in the dossier, but he has never been to Prague in his life,” Davis said Wednesday in an interview on Bloomberg.


The statement is a significant denial given that, according to Davis, Cohen has turned over a new leaf by deciding to discuss his work on behalf of President Donald Trump.


Cohen pleaded guilty on Tuesday to tax evasion, bank fraud and campaign finance violations. He claimed that he acted at the direction of Trump by paying off two women who claimed they had affairs with the former real estate mogul in 2006.


But Cohen did not address a larger question of whether he was involved in a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian government, as former British spy Christopher Steele claimed in the Democrat-funded dossier.


In the 35-page document, Steele claimed that Cohen was a central figure in a “clandestine” conspiracy of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government. According to Steele, Cohen and three associates visited Prague in order to meet with Kremlin officials as part of a conspiracy to pay hackers to obtain dirt on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


“The agenda comprised questions on how deniable cash payments were to be made to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the CLINTON campaign and various contingencies for covering up these operations and Moscow’s secret liaison with the TRUMP team more generally,” claimed Steele, who was paid by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee to investigate Trump.


Cohen, 52, has vehemently denied the dossier’s allegations ever since BuzzFeed published the salacious document on Jan. 10, 2017. He has denied ever visiting Prague. In an attempt to prove that, he provided BuzzFeed with his passport, which did not show any stamps from the Czech Republic.


Cohen offered his most recent rebuttal to the dossier on June 28, tweeting: “Dossier misreports 15 allegations about me.”


“I had nothing to do with Russian collusion or meddling!” he added.


He also disputed the dossier during an interview that is now seen as his first public break with Trump. In an interview that aired on July 2, Cohen told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos that he had never been to Prague and that he did not collude with Russians. (RELATED: Michael Cohen Makes Waves In New Interview But Still Denies Collusion, Disputes Dossier)


“By the way, the number of time that falsehood has been repeated — I’m not accusing you — is the classic example that if you mention something a million times, and you get Google hits and they’re all false, it’s zero-zero,” Davis said on Bloomberg Wednesday.


Though Davis helped settled a looming question about the dossier, he dropped a bombshell in interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday in which he suggested that Cohen has information about election-related hacks.


“Michael Cohen has information that would be of interest to Mr. Mueller in his probe of a conspiracy to corrupt American democracy, very similar to the indictment of the 12 Russians,” Davis said, referring to the Russian intelligence officers indicted on July 13 for hacking into the DNC’s computer systems.


“I believe that Mr. Cohen would be able to provide information useful to the special counsel,” he said. “I won’t call it a smoking gun information, someone else will have to judge that. I believe that he does relevant information.”

Anonymous ID: d8fd6f Aug. 22, 2018, 5:18 p.m. No.2706685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6869

Sen. Warren to Parents of Murdered Iowa Teen: Sorry, We Need to Focus on 'Real Problems'


On CNN Wednesday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) was asked to comment on the heartbreaking case of Mollie Tibbetts, the Iowa teenager who was allegedly murdered by an illegal immigrant.


Rather than simply offer condolences to the Tibbetts family, Warren said they "have to remember" that it's important for the country to focus on "real problems" like helping illegal immigrants. She then launched into a rote political diatribe lamenting the treatment of illegal aliens at the Mexican border.


Warren made sure to include the Democrats' 2018 campaign talking points about babies being snatched from the arms of their "mamas" at the border.


"Last month, I went down to the border and I saw where children had been taken away from their mothers. I met with those mothers who had been lied to, who didn't know where their children were, who hadn't had a chance to talk to their children, and there was no plan for how they would be reunified," she argued passionately on behalf of the illegal aliens.


"I don't think mamas and babies are the place that we should be spending our resources. Separating a mama from a baby does not make this country safer," Warren added.


Mollie Tibbetts has been separated from her mama forever because an illegal immigrant brutally murdered her. Unfortunately for Warren, there are no Democrat talking points to help her with that sad reality.

Anonymous ID: d8fd6f Aug. 22, 2018, 5:21 p.m. No.2706707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6813

Obama Was Accused of Offering Hush Money to Jeremiah Wright… and No One Cared


Yesterday’s news that President Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty in federal court and accused Trump of committing a federal crime by directing him to pay hush money to two women "for the principal purpose of influencing the election” was definitely shocking. According to Cohen and his attorney, Trump violated campaign finance laws by allegedly directing Cohen to make these hush money payments. This point had me confused.


For the moment, let’s put aside the obvious problems with Cohen’s credibility and assume he’s telling the truth. According to a Reuters article about the Cohen pleas:


Under U.S. election law, campaign contributions, defined as things of value given to a campaign to influence an election, must be disclosed. A payment intended to silence allegations of an affair just before an election could constitute a campaign contribution, which is limited to $2,700 per person per election, some experts said.


So, let’s review… A payment to silence someone from making potentially damaging statements “could constitute” a campaign contribution according to “some” experts? There’s clearly a significant amount of subjectivity here. But, here’s the thing: if everything went down as Cohen says it did, then why wasn’t Obama held to the same standard?


That’s right, Barack Obama also offered an individual hush money "for the principal purpose of influencing the election,” but you probably never heard about it. It wasn’t to silence a mistress though, it was to silence his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright. Wright’s inflammatory, anti-American rhetoric caused Obama significant headaches during his first presidential campaign, and he tried to contain the damage to protect his chances of winning the White House.


Edward Klein broke the story in the New York Post on May 13, 2012—the same year Obama was reelected—that Obama’s team tried to buy Wright’s silence during the 2008 campaign. According to Wright, he was offered $150,000 through an Obama intermediary (one of Obama’s closest friends), and Obama himself tried to persuade him to keep quiet.

Anonymous ID: d8fd6f Aug. 22, 2018, 5:22 p.m. No.2706716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6726 >>6750 >>6757 >>6953 >>7087 >>7381

Report: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg ‘Pours Millions into Midterm Initiatives’


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is reportedly pouring “millions into midterm initiatives,” through his Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.


According to Axios, Zuckerberg, along with his wife Priscilla Chan and fellow Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz, “have already poured millions this election cycle into different ballot initiatives that align with their organizations’ focus areas.”


These initiatives include funding affordable housing projects and “reclassifying drug possession crimes from felonies to misdemeanors,” and Axios declared that Zuckerberg’s midterm initiatives “have the potential to be hugely influential for decades.”


Former President Obama’s campaign manager, David Plouffe, who is the current head of policy and advocacy for the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative expressed that they “will take all tools available to break through on some of the big, complex issues that will dictate what the future looks like for so many people.”


Axios reported that these “tools” include backing “grassroots movements,” and “Supporting ballot measures where voters can directly weigh in.”


According to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, it aims to “advance human potential and promote equality in areas such as health, education, scientific research, and energy.”


Last year, it was reported that the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative had donated millions of dollars to a program that would give college scholarships to illegal immigrants, and in October, it was revealed that Zuckerberg plans to “influence American politics for generations to come.”


In 2017, Zuckerberg also hired failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign strategist, pollster Joel Benenson.


Zuckerberg’s social network company Facebook employs 36 individuals who worked on former President Obama’s campaign teams and White House administration, and 9 individuals who worked for Hillary Clinton.

Anonymous ID: d8fd6f Aug. 22, 2018, 5:23 p.m. No.2706724   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China May Be Indicating Willingness to Negotiate as US Trade Talks Resume


While U.S. President Donald Trump expressed that he doesn’t “anticipate much” from resumed trade talks taking place between U.S. and Chinese officials on Aug. 22 and 23, China may be suggesting a willingness to negotiate this time.


On Aug. 21, China’s Ministry of Commerce, along with nine state agencies, issued a notice to remind the steel industry to “abide by World Trade Organization (WTO) rules,” forbidding export subsidies or other such benefits favoring domestic manufacturers that run counter to WTO regulations.


The United States and the European Union have both previously complained about China’s steel-dumping and responded with anti-dumping tariffs.


The timing of such a rare admonition coming directly from the Chinese regime was read by analyst Heng He as a sign that China may be willing to make some concessions in the negotiations.


“In previous talks, China has not expressed sincerity [in wanting to negotiate]. This time, China could be serious,” he told The Epoch Times.


Scott Kennedy, director of China studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, sees the talks as more of a “temperature-taking exercise,” he told Reuters. “Expectations are probably low on both sides.”


The discussions aren’t expected to do much to stop the activation of 25 percent U.S. tariffs on another $16 billion in Chinese goods, which are to take effect at 12:01 a.m. on Aug. 23, as well as immediate retaliatory tariffs from China on $16 billion of U.S. goods.


But the talks could set a framework for further negotiations, as Trump has threatened to enact tariffs on almost all Chinese imports, valued at $500 billion, unless Beijing meets his demands.

Anonymous ID: d8fd6f Aug. 22, 2018, 5:24 p.m. No.2706731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6853 >>7382

Ann Coulter: ‘We Need to Apply the First Amendment to Social Media Companies’


Ann Coulter called for mandating First Amendment protections to speech and expression across social media companies, offering her remarks in a Wednesday interview on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal with John McArdle.


“We are facing a crisis in free speech, right now,” said Coulter. “The left has control of the mainstream media, Hollywood, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, the schools k through 12, [and] the universities.”


Coulter described left-wing technology firms’ efforts to censor political speech: “All the social media companies [want to shut down] the one place you can actually go to get the facts [which] are these tiny little corners of the internet.”


Coulter recommended implementation of First Amendment standards to protect speech and expression on social media:


We need to apply the First Amendment to social media companies like Twitter, Facebook, and Google, because it is a public square, and there is precedent for that and it’s gotta be done, because this is really terrifying, and talk about chilling speech when they’re just throwing people off right and left.



Everything that liberals fantasized Joe McCarthy was doing is being done, now. We’re throwing you off Twitter — or out of the White House — because you once went to a meeting with someone who said something online and he also published someone on the same web page which we find offensive. It is such a guilt-by-association. I’ve never seen anything like it in my lifetime.

Anonymous ID: d8fd6f Aug. 22, 2018, 5:25 p.m. No.2706740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6748 >>6755 >>6759 >>6763 >>6781 >>6798 >>6958





Then use the link below to download our work!




Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!





Anonymous ID: d8fd6f Aug. 22, 2018, 5:27 p.m. No.2706749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6761 >>6762 >>6787 >>6795 >>6802 >>6814 >>6871 >>6940

Former Bernie Sanders aide makes bizarre claim about the murder of Mollie Tibbetts


Symone Sanders, former Bernie Sanders presidential spokeswoman, and CNN commentator, offered a bizarre claim about what was really to blame for the murder of Mollie Tibbetts.


“This is toxic masculinity”


The disappearance of Mollie Tibbetts made national news but ended in tragedy when a month later when police said that an illegal alien admitted killing her. Sanders offered a bizarre response to the murder.



Anonymous ID: d8fd6f Aug. 22, 2018, 5:33 p.m. No.2706812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6820 >>7087 >>7381

10,000 pedophiles arrested world wide so far, enormous dark-web child porn sites shut down. Lots more coming this is just the no-name low hanging fruit!


Link below shows how many arrested, related documentation of each arrest and number of children saved!


4000+ CEO resignations world wide!





Anonymous ID: d8fd6f Aug. 22, 2018, 5:44 p.m. No.2706921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6978 >>6983 >>6998 >>7087 >>7381

She’s Ba-ack! The Muzzle Is Off! Low IQ Maxine Waters Calls for Trump Impeachment


The muzzle is off and low IQ Mad Max is on a roll once again calling for President Trump to be impeached.


On Tuesday, Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen surrendered himself to the FBI after it was reported he reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors.


Michael Cohen admitted he violated campaign finance laws in relation to the Stormy Daniels payment at direction of a ‘candidate.’ He paid off the porn star over $130,000 in a hush money agreement which she later violated.


Michael Cohen doesn’t even have evidence to back up his claims of the non-crime according to his gutter lawyer Lanny Davis, but Mad Max echoed Davis on Wednesday and said ‘If it’s a crime from Cohen, it’s a crime for Trump.’


Maxine Waters unleashed the most unhinged tweetstorm to date….


MAXINE WATERS: Cohen said he would take a bullet for Trump. I guess he never said anything about jail time!


Waters then calls on congress to impeach 45.


MAXINE WATERS: Cohen admitted Trump instructed him to break the law. If it’s a crime for Cohen, it’s a crime for Trump. Debates about whether you can indict a president do not excuse Congress from its responsibility to impeach Trump for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes & misdemeanors.”


In the next tweet, it sounds like Maxine Waters is attacking Hillary Clinton with her accusations of giving classified information to our enemies and breaking campaign finance laws.


MAXINE WATERS: The high crimes are giving aid and classified information to our enemies (Russia), abusing the pardon, breaking campaign finance laws, working w/ Russians to get “dirt” on political opponents, and coming soon from Special Counsel Mueller, obstruction of justice.


MAXINE WATERS: The avg. American struggles to pay his/her taxes but Trump’s allies can get by for years cheating the IRS, defrauding banks, & laundering millions of $$. Trump is probably hiding his tax returns b/c he’s as big a crook & fraud as the top people he chose to run his campaign & WH.


MAXINE WATERS: Manafort & Cohen both lied about their finances & cheated the IRS. Can you imagine what #DonTheCon must be hiding in his tax returns when it is well known that the ONLY bank that would lend him money, Deutsche, is notorious for money laundering?

Maxine Waters is one of the most corrupt women in Congress besides Nancy Pelosi.


After nearly 30 years in Congress, Maxine Waters has passed 3 bills and she lives in a $4 million home outside of her district. It’s time to investigate Maxine Waters and the 6 figure yearly salary she gave her daughter to ‘stuff campaign envelopes.’

Anonymous ID: d8fd6f Aug. 22, 2018, 5:46 p.m. No.2706946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6956 >>6982 >>6989



Bolton Again Warns Assad "We Will Respond" If Chemical Weapons Used In Idlib Offensive


Here we go again. Did Bolton just give jihadists facing imminent final defeat under Assad and Russian bombs an open door invitation to initiate a chemical provocation?


As CNN and others warned this week that Syrian and Russian forces are closing in on the "last rebel stronghold" in Syria in the country's northwest pocket of Idlib province, US National Security Advisor put Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on notice, saying the United States would respond "very strongly" if pro-government forces use chemical weapons in their campaign to retake Idlib.


Bolton spoke at a press conference Wednesday while in Jerusalem, where he met with Israeli officials.


"We now see plans for the Syrian regime to resume offensive military activities in Idlib province," he said. "We are obviously concerned about the possibility that Assad may use chemical weapons again."


Bolton warned, "Just so there's no confusion here, if the Syrian regime uses chemical weapons we will respond very strongly and they really ought to think about this a long time."


This month Syrian and Russian air attacks and shelling began targeting al-Qaeda held Idlib in what is likely a prelude to a full-scale ground offensive.


The "rebel" coalition in control of this major "final holdout" is but the latest incarnation of al-Qaeda, calling itself Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and has held the province, the capital city of which is Idlib city, since a successful Western and Gulf ally sponsored attack on the area in 2015.


During Bolton's comments before reporters in Jerusalem, he appeared to boast about prior US airstrikes on Syrian government forces, referencing Tomahawk missile strikes over the past two Aprils — the first of which was in response to sarin gas attack claims made by HTS and the White Helmets in Khan Sheikhoun, which is in Idlib.


Till this day the international chemical investigative body and watchdog, the OPCW, has yet to visit the site due to its being controlled by al-Qaeda forces.

At the time, as in other cases like Douma in April 2018, the White House simply relied on the word of both HTS and the White Helmets, who produced social media videos purporting to show the aftermath of an alleged chemical attack.


Considering the al-Qaeda and Islamist coalition in Idlib is now facing imminent total annihilation in the face of overwhelming Syrian Army and Russian air power, it is highly likely that jihadist insurgents and their partners like the White Helmets are already in the process of preparing for some kind of claimed "chemical event".


Indeed, Bolton's words on Wednesday of "we will respond very strongly" positively invites just such a scenario.


This is the clearly observable pattern that seems to repeat both whenever the administration announces it is content with Assad staying in power and seemingly every time the Syrian Army is on a trajectory of overwhelming victory: an ill-timed and strategically nonsensical mass chemical attack on civilians supposedly ordered by Assad — inevitably giving the West an open door for military intervention, new rounds of crippling sanctions, and yet more international media condemnation heaped on Damascus.


Bolton is currently in Israel to discuss the key issues of Iran and Syria, and further addressed Iran during the press conference. While he noted that "Regime change in Iran is not American policy but what we want is massive change in the regime's behavior," he also said the US supports Israel's recent attacks on Iranian targets within Syria.


"Every time that Iran has brought missiles or other threatening weapons into Syria in recent months Israel has struck those targets," Bolton said, and added, "I think that's a legitimate act of self-defense on the part of Israel."


The other observable pattern on the seven-year long conflict in Syria is this: every time the war seems to have receded from international media attention, with the momentum clearly being with Assad and the Syrian Army, a mass attention-grabbing event or massacre happens to yank the world's (and the White House's) focus right back on Damascus.

Anonymous ID: d8fd6f Aug. 22, 2018, 5:57 p.m. No.2707032   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Fuck me we have some dumb fucks, go read the welcome message!


That goes for the rest of you fucking butt hurt safe space Anon's


Especially this bit: Pic


People are coming here anyway I'm directing them to our work and keeping them the fuck out of our way as is BO with what he wrote!


Stop being lame faggots!



Anonymous ID: d8fd6f Aug. 22, 2018, 6:06 p.m. No.2707127   🗄️.is 🔗kun



NO. Global warming was the excuse to reduce carbon. Part of depopulation agenda, starve us.


CO2 levels dangerously low for our planet; optimum levels of 800 – 1200 ppm would unleash reforestation, greening and food crop production

Anonymous ID: d8fd6f Aug. 22, 2018, 6:09 p.m. No.2707157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7381 >>7413

Man who sold ammo to Las Vegas massacre gunman indicted by feds