Anonymous ID: f9b35c Aug. 22, 2018, 5:32 p.m. No.2706809   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This week the SPLC got Visa and MasterCard to block donations to the Freedom Center.


>No conservative voices will be allowed in America.


>The left is out for complete elimination of prominent conservative voices and publishers.


>This is the new America — we are no longer the home of the brave and land of the free.


Tensions are building, huh? They are doing everything they can to increase tensions, to the point of sparking violence, ultimately to bring out the protest votes come November. They want conservatives to start the violence, to over-react to something, anything, like this blatant attempt to silence our voices. Meanwhile, the good guys in the military are tracking all of it, taking names, observing comms, adding to the growing list of indictments.


At some point (soon I'm guessing), the pressure will be released through some mind blowing drop. Take your pick of what that might be. Mass voter fraud by DNC is one likely suspect, to be followed one after the other reports and arrests. It's nearing September. That's as good a time to start!